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Dragon Quest VII

Most RPGers are highly anticipating the arrival of Sqaresoft's Final Fantasy VIII to the United States. However, I am not the average RPGer. I am anxiously awaiting (and am trying to be patient in the process) the arrival of Enix's Dragon Quest VII. I have been waiting for the release for five years, and will probably have to wait yet another year.

Dragon Quest is known as Dragon Warrior in the United States. However, this time, the original name (Dragon Quest) will be kept when transferring to the US.

Dragon Warrior has captivated me since the first of this amazing and wonderful series. The first time I played this game, I was hooked to RPGs like glue. The classic story of the young warrior saving the kidnapped princess and slaying the evil dragon fascinated me. You cannot go wrong with a story like that.

The second Dragon Warrior was even better. First, you are just a lone warrior seeking others to help you fulfill your quest in defeating the wicked wizard, Hargon. The first warrior you come across is the Prince of Canook, and then the Princess of Moonbrook joins your party. The three of you are all descendants of Erdrick and thus, must be related. Again, this is a classic story line between good and evil, black and white sorcery; dragons being slain.

The third Dragon Warrior is my favorite because you can manipulate your party in many ways. You also have the choice of whether or not to make a class change at level 20. I also love this game, because when you think it is over, it is not. You have to enter the realm of the Dark World and defeat Zoma.

The fourth and final Dragon Warrior (in the US anyway) is also beyond great. You enter five quite different scenarios that all come together. There are many playable characters and you can switch them around as you desire. If you prefer magic, bring along four magic users (Mara, Nara, Cristo, and Brey). If fighting is what you prefer, take four primary fighters (Hero, Alena, Ragnar, and Taloon). You could also have a combination of fighting and magic characters (Hero, Alena, Nara, and Brey). You have a less classic mission of stopping Necrosaro from deciphering the secret of evolution and becoming the ultimate being. However, you have the classic journey of the dragon. You meet the Dragon King up in the Zenethian Castle, and he guides you to the final battle.

What will Dragon Quest VII have in store for all its fans? So far, Enix has revealed its use of Full Motion Video (FMV), which has become a current trend in video games. However, Enix wants the player to be, well, a player, and not solely one who is watching a movie with a controller in his/her hand. Enix wants the player to always be in control of the game. Anyone who has played FFVII, knows how it is to sit there and watch the FMV. Sure, watching Knights of the Round Table puts you in a complete state of awe the first time watching, but what about the tenth time? Or what about watching it with w-summon combined with quadra-magic four times in a row?

Enix will also follow the trend of using polygons instead of sprites when making Dragon Quest VII.

So far, only a minute amount of information has been given about the characters:
Of course, there is you, the Hero. You were brought up in a small fishing village and have a small dragon. Little else is know at this time.
Marybelle is the daughter of the town's head fisherman. She follows you because she does not want to be left out, not because she is interested in you or what you do.
Keefer Gran is the Prince of the Granestado Nation. You befriend him early on, and he treats you like his brother.

Dragon Quest VII Pictures 1
Dragon Quest VII Pictures 2
Dragon Warrior I
Dragon Warrior II
Dragon Warrior III
Dragon Warrior IV
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