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Dragon Warrior III

An Overview of My Favorite Game Ever!!


Starting off
The game begins on your sixteenth birthday when your mother tells you to go see the king of Aliahan so that he can inform you of your duty. You are the descendant of the great Erdrick, as was your father, Ortega. The king informs you that the Archfiend Baramos needs to be defeated and gives you fifty gold pieces to start off.

You then walk into town to get your party. The game will have a default party of a Pilgrim, a Wizard, and a Soldier. You can also make you own set of characters. You are the Hero. You can use most weapons and armour and can use basic magic. The Soldier is skilled in fighting and can use no magic. The Pilgrim is a decent fighter and can use mostly healing spells. The Wizard is weak but can use powerful attack spells. The Fighter can fight and use no magic and only selected pieces of weapons and armour. The Merchant is an alright fighter and will find you a few gold pieces during a battle but cannot cast spells. The Goof-off is amusing more than anything.

I found the easiest party was the Hero along with three Fighters. The Fighters are highly skilled and they do not need all the expensive weapons and armour. The hardest quests would probably be those with three Soldiers or three Wizards. The Soldiers are way expensive and the Wizards die off too easily. Remember, this is only my opinion.

Retrieving the Thief's Key
Do not wander too far from Aliahan until about level three. Then you can go to The Village of Reeve, which is northwest of Aliahan. After that, go to the Tower of Najima (4). There are two ways in which you can reach it: the first (the one I prefer) is this secret spot south of Reeve. It looks like a bush in the middle of some trees. The second is to venture through the Cave on Promontory. You will obtain the Thief's Key.

The Cave of Enticement
Next, go through the Thief's Key door in Reeve and get your Magic Ball. With that in your possession, you can blow up the wall at the Cave of Enticement (8). Go through the cave and you will warp all the way to Romaly (10).

Waking Noaniels
If you make it this far, you have just entered (in my opinion anyway) the hardest point of the game. The Village of Kanave (11) is north of Romaly. Go there, fight, and buy all needed weapons and armor.

To the north of Kanave lies Noaniels (12), a town that got put to sleep by the Elves hiding in the woods. You will then retrieve the Dream Ruby from the Cave West of Noaniels, give it to Anne's mom in the Hidden Village of Elves, and obtain Wake up Powder. I have found this segment obsolete in the final outcome in the game. However, it does help to get levels up.

Defeating Kandar and getting the Crown
Now, go to the Tower of Shanpane (14), beat Kandar, and give the Golden Crown back to the King of Romaly. He will offer you the throne and you cannot decline. Take the thrown and then tell him that you want to resume your quest. He will be located at the Fight Ring.

Retrieving the Magic Key and getting your ship
Your next stop is Assaram (14) and the Isis (15). Isis was an Egyptian god if you ever wanted to know where the name originated. Anyway, you will then need to get the Magic Key in the Pyramid (16). Once that is accomplished, take a quick visit to Portaga. To get there, use portal west of Romaly. The king wants pepper and you need a ship. Go get the guy some pepper!

Now, go to Baharata (18). To get there, show the dwarf in the cave east of Assaram the Royal Scroll. He will then make a path for you. Then I venture to Dhama. To reach there, cross the bridge east of Baharata and go north. Get some levels up and then go to the Cave East of Baharata (19). In the cave, kill Kandar, rescue the pepper guy, and he will give you some pepper. Go back to Portaga and receive your ship.

Retrieving the Final Key and the Orbs
After that, use Return to Aliahan. Get on your ship and travel west to Lancel. Then, get back on your ship, go up about fifteen to twenty spaces, and then go west again. You will eventually hit a ghost called Tedanki. Once you get the Final Key, get the Green Orb.

Then, use Return to Noaniels. Get on your ship and travel around the land west and south until you hit the castle of Eginbear. Arrange the stones (it is fairly easy) and acquire the Vase of Drought. Now, use Return to Dhama, get on your ship, take the waterway out, and go north until you reach The Shoals (the rocks in the middle of the ocean). When you get there, use the Vase of Drought, go inside, talk to the guy, and get your Final Key (which can open all doors).

Return to Aliahan, make a Merchant, put him/her in your party, get on your ship, and travel south and a little east. Go around the land until you reach a grass patch in the middle of a forest. Give your Merchant to help the old man build a town. When the town is finished, you will receive the highly needed Yellow Orb.

Next, Return to Dhama, get on your boat, pass through the waterway, and go to Jipang (23). You will need to defeat the Orochi to obtain your Purple Orb.

After that, Return to Aliahan, get on your ship and travel east and then a little north. You will reach a cape, go around it to the right and you will reach the House of Pirates where you will acquire the Red Orb under the rock.

When you reach level 27 or so, go through the Navel of the Earth. This is a solo mission that I prefer conquering with my Hero. You will obtain another orb: the Blue Orb.

Next, go to Samanao (27). Getting there is somewhat complicated. Return to Aliahan, get on your ship, and travel south and a little bit east until you hit the ice. Go east around that and directly south, where you should reach a shrine by itself on an island. Go in there.

Next, go to the Cave Southeast of Samanao to obtain the Mirror of Ra. You will then sneak into the Castle of Samanao and use the Mirror on the king. He is a fake and you must fight him. You will get the Staff of Change for accomplishing this mission.

Now, trade the Staff of Change with the man at Greenlad. He will give you the Sailor's Thighbone so you can find the Phantom Ship. You will obtain the Locket of Love there. Use Return to Dhama, get on your ship, follow the waterway, and follow the land north until you reach some rivers. Enter the third one (I'm pretty sure anyway), and there will be a spot where it throws you back. Use the Locket there to break the curse and obtain the Sword of Gaia.

After that, Return to Lancel and go north until you reach land. From there, follow the land eastward and pass through the waterway. There will be this hole (which is actually a volcano) in which you will hurl the Sword of Gaia. This will then allow you to reach the Cave of Necrogond (32). Necrogond is quite tough, but it will be worth it, for you will obtain your last orb: the Silver Orb.

Now you have found the six orbs: Green, Purple, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Silver. Take them to Liamland and get Ramia, the flying bird. Ramia can fly you to the Castle of Baramos (34).

All should be good and everyone begins to celebrate. Then, soldiers start dying and a voice is heard, "Ha, ha, ha! I am Zoma, Master Archfiend who rules the dark realms. By the powers I possess, before long, this world too will be locked in darkness…"

The Dark World
Your quest continues on in the realms of the Dark World. It is the same terrain as in the first Dragon Warrior. With a few exceptions. The biggest difference is that the cave south of Kol is not completed like it was in DWI and just started in DWII. The games went back in time. Sort of, anyway. The lands go back in time, but the descendants are further down the line. You also get a ship this time, which is good.

Your first destination will be no other than Tantegel [(35) remember that castle from DWI and II]. Then, venture to Kol (36), Hauksness (37), Cantlin (38), and Rimuldar (38). In Hauksness, do not pass up the Oricon in the pasture. With the Oricon, you can go to Kol and by the Sword of Kings (the most powerful weapon in the entire game). You will also want to obtain the Armor of Radiance at the Tower West of Kol (40).

The Castle of Zoma
Your final goal is to defeat Zoma at the Castle of Zoma (I wonder what genius thought of that). You have to walk on rotating floors and defeat difficult creatures: King Hydra, Baramos Gonus, and Baramos Bomus. You also see a battle between your father, Ortega, and the King Hydra.

This is my all-time favorite video game. Before you attempt to annihilate Zoma, you must obtain the Sphere of Light in the Light World at the Castle of the Dragon Queen. To reach there, you must get on Ramia and fly southeast of Kanave. You will notice it because it is the only castle on the entire map surrounded by mountains.

Good luck in bringing peace back into the world!

Dragon Warrior I
Dragon Warrior II
Dragon Warrior IV
Dragon Quest VII
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