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Win My Award

Want one of these awards on your page?? I am no HTML or JavaScript genius, I just cheat very, very well.

Award Descriptions
Great Site/Explosive Site-Is your page merely great or is it Explosive?
Bright Idea-for those of you with *new* and original ideas
Craetive Writing-submit a pice of writing to win. *you do not have to have a web page to win* If you don't have a page and still want to apply submit you writing via email. All winning pieces will be displayed on a separate page with links.
Cool Tunes-Have some awesome music on your page? *must have a page to enter..Sorry*
Fantasy Realm-For everyone with a kewl fantasy related page.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, the catch. Thats right, as you all know by now everything has a catch, there are rules.

The Rules
1. NO pornography present at your site. NONE, ZIP, ZILCH, ZERO! Porns will NOT be tolerated under ANY circumstance! This includes sites linked to yours.
2. If you win, you MUST link the award back to my page. If you don't your page won't be included on my winners list.

Simple rules right? Now for the fun part. (yeah right) Applying for the award. Fill Out The Form. (hint hint:Sign the Guest book and your entry gets more consideration!)

Enter To Win

Your name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Site URL

Describe Your Site (20 Words or less please)

Did you Sign my guest book?   Yes   No

Which award do you want?   Great Site Award/Explosive Site Award   Bright Idea Award
  Creative Writing Award   Fantasy Realm Award   Cool Tunes Award

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(All awards may be made larger-not smaller-once they are on your page.)

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Explosive Site Winners

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Great Site Winners

Women And Children First
Rachel's Furry Friends
The Wolf Den

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