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§The Wolves' Den§

Welcome wayward traveler, to my little home on the web! Pull up a chair and get comfortable. *Please* be patient while the page loads! I know I have a few too many graphics here! There is much to do here. See if you can find my secret place. Somewhere on this page is a link to my hiding place. And, as with life, everything is always changing. So bookmark me!! There is almost always something new here. I hope you enjoy your stay.

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 A Conal Cuan


A Little About Myself.....
Well I'm 17yrs old, I live in Michigan, and am a major Red Wings fan. I love to read, write, act, and sing. Most of you have probably met me on Alamak as Raynshadow. Everyone seems to want to see my picture ,so here it is. If you want to know more about me, that's your problem.

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My computer is finally working sooooo I decided to add a few new things to The Den.
Contest-If you like stereograms and magic eye books, you are going to love this!!!!
Humane Society Campaign-Please support The Humane Society! Sign the guestbook in here and join the campaign!
Wolf Art-my collection of wolf art. Still more to come.
Site Guardians-Want a "ferocious" beast to guard your page? Some are posted.


I will leave you all with this. A little something to think on. Yesterday is the past, Tomorrow is the future, but Today is a gift....That's why it is called the present.

A Touch Of The Irish

Paw Print Alamak-the awesomest chat place there is.
Paw Print Lark's Nest-a great place if you are interested in Wicca.
Paw Print VvJessievV's Page-it's really kewl!!
Paw Print Elysium-totally awesome page!
Paw Print The Animation Station-LOTS of great GIFs and animations
Paw Print Jennifer Uyen Nhi's page-Really kewl! Great graphics and music!

Want to Link to my page?? Feel free to use one of my banners.

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(Note: please don't leave me nasty messages in my guestbook. the guestbook is for people to make comments about my page, not comments about my personality. if you must leave me mean letters then just e-mail me. thanx for understanding.)

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