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I had originally decided to put only my writing here. But after looking through my notebooks I found alot of my sketces. I have been weeding through them to put some of my better drawings here as well as my writing.

Hunter Iriathe image got a little messed up after scanning it. Trust me the original looks pretty good.
These two are exerpts from my Driver's Ed notes. (so I don't pay attention too well)
Wako Warner-a small pen drawing of my fav cartoon character.
The Snarpu Fish-This one is sort of an inside joke between me and some friends. Its sort of beyond words. You kinda had to be there.


None of these stories are finished yet, updates will be posted as I feel like it. (I don't write often)

Fur and Fangs-this story stars two vampires and is somewhat violent. Parents are cautioned.
Into the Mist-This one is alot tamer, and one of my favorites. Take a peek you may see it on the bestseller list one day.

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