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Support The Humane Society!

I recently went with one of my friends to the local Humane Society shelter to help her adopt-a-pet. I was totally amazed at the number of animals that had no home whatsoever. Many dogs and cats that none wanted! I couldn't believe it. Alot of the animals were older dogs and cats, true, but that means that they are probably already housebroken and well trained too. So why doesn't anyone want these pets? Every pet I have ever owned (aside from the goldfish, but that's another problem) has come from a Humane Society shelter. Brooke, my last dog, sadly died before we came to Flint, but she was the greatest dog. Well behaved, housebroken and she even knew a few tricks. She came from the Humane Society, noone else wanted her, she was due to be put to sleep in a few days.
Please show your support for the Humane Society by signing the guestbook below (this one is not part of the book on the main page) If you have a web page please take the banner below to put there. Just right-click on it and choose save-as. If you do take the banner all that I ask is that you leave your name and web page address in the guestbook here so that I may visit your page, and please link the banner back to this page.

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