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Welcome To My World

Well it surprises me that anyone would care to read this. But, hey, if want to that's your problem.
I don't really know where to start. How 'bout my friends(the few that I have). Friends are the most important things in my life. With my Polish instinct I wouldn't make it without them. (so I'm a bit of a screw up at times) I won't mention any names, my friends know who they are. There are very few people that I trust. If any at all anymore. Haveing been stabbed in the back multiple times (figureativly speaking), trust is not something that comes easily for me.
And then there's my little sis. The crazy little pest. Two people couldn't be more opposite! She's short, blonde, VERY skinny, and a contortionist (if you don't know what that is...use a dictionary!!). I'm tall, dark hair, and couldn't EVEN begin to bend my body like that. I think the fact we are both adopted has alot to do with it. But I grudgingly have to admit that I love the kid anyway.
As I said before I am Polish. And I have all the clutzyness that goes with it. I can't even walk down the hall with out tripping! Not to mention the memory problems. I can barely remember what I did yesterday! My personality is sorta strange. I am subject to constant mood swings(then again that may be just because I'm female). I'm also a Wicca. That for those of you who don't know visit Lark's Nest. It is explained there far better than I ever could. I'm like REALLY shy and nervous around people I don't know. So it's kinda surprising that I love to act. I was in my school's production of Cinderella in a Chorus role. It was small yes but it was still a part! It's was lot of fun and most of the cast is a bunch of nut cases, so I fit in well. And anyone that says it is easy to waltz is compleatly and totally WRONG!! I spend alot of time tinkering with things on my computer. Mostly in the graphics programs. I LUV to cover my walls in posters. This picture is one of my favs.
I also LOVE comics and cartoons. Warner Bros. cartoons are the greatest. I enjoy watching that crazy Wile E. Coyote chase the unbelievibly fast Road Runner. I wonder if one day that coyote will ever catch him. And what will he do with him when he does catch him? Sounds like another eternal question and I doubt that any will ever know the eternal answer. But my absolute favorites are the Sunday Comics. That is a picture of Meg. One of my favorite comic strip characters. She torments her younger brother, plays soccer, and hates Barbie. Definatly worthwhile reading. Below is one of the best somic strips where Meg goes to a Barbie Club meeting.

I have interesting music tastes. I like everthing from classical to hard metal. Even country and rap. My fav bands are Sugar Ray, ChumbaWamba, Metallica, Korn, Smashing Pumpkins, and Enya. i know alot of people haven't heard of Enya (my favoritist band!!) Here is one of their songs off one of the early albums, Click to download.Bard Dance-The Celts by Enya
Some people ask me where my name, Raynshadow, came from. Well it is sort of a mystery where the actual name came from. It was originally spelled with an i instead of a y, over time all things change. But the name Rainshadow first appeared as my first Dungeons&Dragons character. She was the best mage, high stats, powerful spells. Well her life came to an abrupt end when she met a nasty Necromancer. But the name lives on. While the character still lived (so to speak) my friends were always telling me that Rainshadow kept taking on more and more of my own personality and eventually some of the people in the group began calling me Rainshadow. Out of a need to be more crative and different I changed the spelling.
That picture is sort of an attestment to my temperment. I should be ashamed , but I'm not. I can be, and almost always am, a headstrong, pushy, conniving bitch. I have a bad habit of getting very angry at men (and even women sometimes) that tell me I can't do something because of who or what I am. I promptly show them what I think of that attitude. I can do anything I please. Ask anyone who personally knows me and most will tell you that underneath I'm a big softy. The image is compliments of The Cave Of The Beast GET YOUR OWN! (if you live through it! hehehe)This one is not to be taken I won it fair and square!

Keep Peace In Your Heart And A Smile On Your Face ;o)

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