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Brian Might Leave BSB Because of Fan Threats

My note: Okay you guys. the people who have been writing threat notes to leigh-anne or ne of their girlfriends better stop. its wrong u knoe? u have to face it u girls. theyll get married eventually. yes, it is okay to be sad and jealous(not reallie) but it is not okay to be sad jealous and stop lovin bsb and threaten to kill em or somethin! yes i knoe how u feel but u have to get over it sometime. u will meet someone jus like them ur age i knoe it. if A.J. was goin to marry...amanda...yes id cry and be jealous but imma be supporting him all the way. plleassse dont threat and support. thanx for readin my note and go on to the letter. and jus so u knoe i did not write this letter.

Listen, let me tell you a story, leighanne is the best thing that EVER happened to brian. Leighanne loves brian. When he asked her to marry him, he did not ask her if she loved him. He knew. Leighanne grew up with money. She doesn't need brian's money. Think about why YOU actually like them. Leighanne does NOT want brian's money. Go ahead, ask anyone. Also, just so you know, the BIG day for brian and Leighanne, is VERY soon. he's never, EVER gonna love you like he does that girl. She means the world to him. And if you cause her to leave him out of her upset because of his fans, he's gonna drop bsb like nothing. I know this, he already offered to do it. In front of about 20 people on the last night at the millenium tour party. He was bawling his eyes out because she wanted to cancel EVERYTHING. She had her ring all ready to give back, and she didn't want anything to do with this anymore. She is upset, because she is getting death threats, and all this other stuff.

You're really smart people. You people are gonna be the cause of brian leaving. And ruin it for the fans who like bsb because of their MUSIC! I hope you feel real good about yourself. You are the cause of your little b-rok crying. How do you feel about that, miss thang??? As for brian, well, you can gaurantee he won't say it to your face, but right now he's so mad at his fans he could scream.

First of all, they all are. What you are doing to Leigh and Kristen, isn't fair. Then, those two girls that costed Howie's organization to loose $31,000, then someone kidnapped the dogs. That's not fair. It's not fair to these guys that you hate them because they fall in love. Everyone does. oh, nevermind. You people have no heart. I feel bad for brian, I really do. Because he doesn't deserve to get this on by you people. He devoted his life to making you happy. Isn't that enough for you? Isn't it enough that he never gets to see his family and friends because he is at photo shoots, recording studios, or on tour. For who??? You. And what do you give him in return?? You kick him in the butt by insulting his intellegance, saying he can't tell that leigh wants him for his money.

If he thought that, he wouldn't love her, would he? Why can't he have something that makes him happy for once?? you'd think you'd be happy for him. He's happy. For once, after samantha crushed his heart, he's finally found someone that loves him for him. You can't do that. I know you think you can, but you can't. I can't do that, and I know leighanne. I'd still think, "Credit cards, plastic, paper, omg!! what should I buy first???" And that's about it. You'd be surprized, though. You'd be surprized in the fact that brian doesn't have as much $$ as you think he does. He's not a millionare. He has to pay for his concerts, he has to pay to have his cds recorded and made. He has to pay JIVE records. He has to pay lawyers, and managers, agentsm etc. And the money that is left over is split up amongst five people. Plus their crew, dancers, band, and security. Do you get my point?