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On Tuesday (5/16) morning, CBS's The Early Show flew down to Bahamas where the boys at and update the Backstreet Boys fans of what have been going on. Kevin, Howie, and Nick were shown at the time. They played a song that Brian was 'lead' singing called "You Make a Difference" (something similar to this) Also, physically, Nick's hair is growing, Howie got a tan, and Kevin shaved and got a hair cut.

Here's a review from

I taped the early show today because I knew the boys would be on!! They were interviewed in the Bahamas because they are working on their next album. Only Kevin, Nick and Howie were there because Brian was in the US and AJ was sick. The interviewer asked them "Is there a rivalry between you and Nsync?" Kevin said the media hypes it up to be more than it is. And really quietly Nick said "It's a fairly good rivalry" hehe. Then he said "What did you think about them breaking your record?" and Kevin goes "broke it? They shattered it!! haha" then Kevin and Howie laughed and Nick goes "You know what? Things are meant to be broken" Kevin said Nsync are talented guys, they work hard and are trying to make albums and music like everyone else. "Then it showed Howie at the Gloria Estefan concert and the interviewer goes, [jokingly] "Here you are supposed to be working on an album and you're out partying. Howie replies "a little mixture of work and pleasure" Then Howie was sitting down next to all of these buttons and said he produced a song using Brian's lyrics. It was a soft song that sounded amazing. Then the reporter said we had to do the interview late Sunday afternoon because they went to church and he said that shows they are really nice guys and well grounded.