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Source: Backstreet Unlimited||Click to Join

Buying Some Unwanted Publicity

Is Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell a shoplifter? No, but he was M0MENTARiLY mistaken for one last week after he P0PPED into the Sandy Plains Road Kmart in Marietta with fiancee Leighanne Wallace.

Littrell and Wallace spent a few minutes BR0WSiNG in the jewelry department and buying items for a pool PARTY Saturday. Then word got out that he was in the store. Witnesses report that Wallace seemed none too thrilled ENC0UNTERiNG yet another gaggle of girls making a fuss over her soon-to-be-hubby.

Worse still, while the couple was ATTEMPTiNG to leave with their purchases, a thief decided to use the commotion as an opportunity to heist a TV set. Security ALARMS went off. Employees SUCCESSFULLY apprehended the TV thief, but Littrell was also briefly detained. It seems that the cashier ringing up the Backstreet Boy was a touch distracted and forgot to deactivate one of the SECURiTY tags.

Once the mistake was cleared up, Littrell and Wallace WENT on their way. The teenage cashier, MEANWHiLE, is planning to keep the pen Littrell wrote with. Kmart managers grudgingly confirmed the Backstreet Boys SiGHTiNG Thursday for Buzz but stressed that "he was in here only as a customer." And we thought he was working in housewares...