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 »BSB Concert Review
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Leigh-Anne on Kost 103.5

My Note: jus to let u knoe this is not my review

Ok - here are the highlights of the Leighanne Wallace interview on KOST 103.5 in LA... she was there due to the wedding AND to promote OLIVE JUICE

She was very sweet and funny and NORMAL was cute. They of course talked about how beautiful she was - and she was gracious and they talked about how she and Brian looked good together ! They asked her age and she said 31 and they expressed The ring - he picked it out - she didn't have any say and has no idea how mush it cost. A canary diamond and trillions on the side. When they mentioned the cost she said "I'm not allowed to know" she said. The wedding is in Sept in Atlanta, and they've invited 300. Mostly family and friends. She said distant relatives and friends from High School are coming out of the woodwork and want invites - and some of the distant family people were mad they didn't get an invite !

The reason they are being so public about it - despite wanting privacy for the actual event is because of all the fan support and they don't want to leave anyone out. She and Brian's mom get along problems yet. They talked about the invites and she laughed and said 'It's $135 per person and it's not Ticketmaster or a circus...people are adding all kinds of friends to their personal invite" She was laughing and said they were like "$135 geeze, how much can people eat ?"She mentioned the fans are sending all kinds of gifts which is very sweet. They are "normal " and registered They used their real names but a fake date. She really emphasised how NORMAL they are trying to be. She said they had nothing to start with for the house and so they registered and are getting little things like ice cream scoops, etc... One of the listeners asked about starting a family and she said "if it was up to Brian ...the night of the honeymoon...but I want to wait a few years so we can just be married first."

She said he is definitely a family guy and wants kids - but she said she reminded him it's not easy to travel with kids - "it's not like the dogs that you can put under the seat" LOL She has a little bit of a Southern accent - but not very strong by the way......All the wedding plans are set - she was pretty comfortable with that. Her fave song from BSB - is anything that Brian writes...she calls him the "white Babyface" due to his writing skills and she went on about how well he writes. Then they talked about the film a lot. She and Brian are still working on the soundtrack - she laughed about how if the film doesn't make it - the soundtrack will be awesome.

Back to the wedding - her mom is giving her away...her dad is not happy about it either. She said she was so shocked when he proposed, he had the ring for 2 weeks....and kept it in the bathroom at their house. She thought he had an upset stomach all that time, but he was in the bathroom playing with the ring and practicing. LOL He had been promising her a picnic when they were on the road....and never got around to it, so he gave her a picnic in the winter with candles and photos of them, and he got on his knee and said a prayer and asked her. Then they went back into the house and showed everyone.

Her brother in laws teased him about how now THEY were going to have to live up to the "brian standard" way of doing stuff with LA's sisters.She said he blindfolder her and put his coat on her and led her outside and she thought she was getting a car ! LMAO . She laughed about it. Then he gave her a present too. It was on Christmas night. They've been together for 3 years....he ordered the ring and designed it via phone with a NY jeweler, from LA when they were shooting the "I want it that way video" They asked her if she was close to giving him an ultimatium if he hadn't asked at Christmas......she said 'no, but we both knew - after 3 years you know it's time."

They keep calling it "the million dollar wedding" she calls him the BEST member of the BSB. They changed the reception place 3 times......$75,000 for the reception - she said the food at the rehearsal dinner will be the best - better than the reception...she has 7 bridesmaids....and a flowergirl....he has 6 and a ring bearer.....Brians using his brother , bro in laws, best friend. NO BSB in the wedding. Brian wanted them to come and have fun - not have to "work" at the wedding. They are allowing 2 photographers.....they will be published. Vera Wang dress...custom made for Leighanne.... they talked about how it's a Brian Littrell wedding - the BSB wedding ..and it's supposed to be about the Bride. They are doing special lighting.....soft beautiful lighting...... evening wedding - black tie wedding. First dance - will be to a song that a friend wrote for them - it's private. They haven't talked alot about music...she laughed and said "isn't that funny considering Brian? " ...they're having a big band orch. and she suspects they will have kareoke.

They talked about the missing dog scandal.....they got them back the night before her Bday - Brian came back from Sweden for the Bday.... and the dog thing....she said it was awful and they had to get the police involved. The husband of the woman that ended up with Litty called the police when he saw the flyer on TV. They were thrilled to get the dogs back. They addressed the rumors about LA beating up Britney......they said she's ( LA ) a strong girl and she laughed and said if anyone messed with her Brian - she would kick their butt - she was but she said of course that never happened. The DJ talked about how strong LA looked.

She said the other day she sat on the floor and just cried due to all the stress...but overall, it's all set and they are happy ........she was funny and real and gracious guys - it was a good interview.

Ok - I switched over to KIIS and Rick Dees was just saying that he met Brians dad on the golf course on Sat - and he said the guys ARE here !!!

My Note: Well the boys are in LA. lucky me hehe. if u don't know why, its 1)still plannin the wedding and 2) they have a photo shoot for the new album jacket. aww i wish that A.J.'s hair was back to brown and kevs hair was cut(he looks like ikaika from o-town now lol). Well i guess we have to stick wit it newayz...i did hear they were lookin fine tho hehe.