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In the most recent issue of Newsweek magazine, dated 22 May 2000, there's an article called "The Tiger Beat Goes On" about Hanson. In a little side thing, they have a thing called "Bubble Gum Pop" that asks, "When Will the Flavour Fade? Teen pop idols range from tattooed boys to perky blondes: who will blow up, stick or ultimately burst?"

Shtik: Grow mustaches 'cuz we can
Strategy: We were first, surely they'll remember us Expires On: Almost up

Shtik: Ironic video about puppetlike image
Strategy: Keep dancing so they don't see real strings Expires On: Seemingly nonperishable

Shtik: Write own songs, wear eyeliner
Strategy: Hang on, wait for NSync to slide Expires On: Lost some initial flavour

Shtik: Hits notes only dogs can hear
Strategy: Tacky clothes never go out of fashion Expires On: Ready for next round of marketing

Shtik: Girlfriend of 98 Degrees' Nick Lachey
Strategy: Do sappy duet with main squeeze Expires On: No date in sight

I think we need to let the people at Newsweek know that that Backstreet Boys' time is definitely NOT "almost up" and that everybody takes some time off after a big album and tour to relax and get things ready for the next album. Besides, people will remember them because they're the BEST of all the groups out there.

You can write to Newsweek at:

Letters to the Editor must include the writer's name, address and daytime phone number and should be sent to:

Letters Editor
251 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019-1894


Fax to 212.445.4120
or Email to
So come on...let's not let them try and make people think that BSB are going away anytime soon!!