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Haley, Alex Autobiography of Malcolm X.  Look for it in the biography section of the library.  


Haley, Alex Roots.    


Moderate Difficulty

196 pgs, 760L


Detective Novel

Hammet, Dashiel. The Maltese Falcon.     

    ÙÙÙÙÙ Darcy, ninth grade 

Sam Spade, a hard-boiled detective, is on the trail of two murder cases and is on the search for a highly valuable statue of a black bird. As the search goes further, more twisted suspects and lies surface. Each suspect has a unique personality and adds greatly to the story. These characters all prove to be prime suspects to pin the murders on. Although in the end, the murderer is the least expected person. I would recommend this book to someone who likes detective books or books with strong characters.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee 

An enjoyable story, a real introduction to the noir detective genre.  


389 pgs

An Oprah Book Club Selection

Hamilton, Jane. A Map of the World.     

«««««Marie, 11th Grade

A Map of the World was a tough read, not level wise but the content. This book tells the story of a family whose life is falling apart. Problems are constantly piling on top of them. The mother of the family was accused of several crimes, friends are disappearing, death occurs, and the list goes on. The story continues with the family trying to sort through their issues.  There are points in this book you will break down and feel for this family. It’s a very emotional read. However, the book is one of my favorites and I would still recommend it for anyone.



An Oprah Book Club Selection

Hamilton, Jane.  The Book of Ruth.

National Book Award

Winner / Most Honored

Hanson, Ron Atticus.  


Rancher Atticus Cody receives an unexpected visit from his wayward young son.  An artist and wanderer, Scott has recently settled into a life of heavy drinking and recklessness among expatriates and Mexicans in the little town of Resurreccion on the Caribbean coast.  Weeks later, Atticus himself goes down to Mexico to recover the body of his son, thinking he has committed suicide.  Puzzled by what he finds in Resurreccion, he begins to suspect that Scott has been murdered.


Hardy, ThomasFar from the Madding Crowd.  



Hardy, ThomasReturn of the Native.  



492 pgs 

Harr, Jonathan. A Civil Action. 



  Very Easy 


Girl Troubles

Harrison, Lishi. The Clique

ÙÙÙÙÙ Michi, tenth grade

Massie Block, one of the most popular girls in Westerchester Private High School in New York. She has a perfect wealth life and three perfect best friends: Dylan, Alicia, Kristen. Whose parents were all celebrities except Kristi.   

Claire Lyons was this new girl from Florida whose father was Massie dad old friend; who came to New York to work with Massie’s dad. Claire family was poor and they didn’t have any where to live so Massie parent’s  told them they can live in there parent guest until there find some where to live and have money. Massie parent’s house was this huge estate. 

Claire tried to make friends with Massie but Massie didn’t like her; Massie would shamed her and make fun of her all the time because she would always wear target cloths and shoes meanwhile she was wearing Ralph Laurens and other expensive band you can think of. If Massie didn’t like her, her best friends wouldn’t like her too; Massie was the leader. Claire give anything to be like them.

  ÙÙÙÙÙ Jane, ninth grade

Claire is not having it easy.  She moved away from all of her friends, she’s going to a new school, and she is staying in the guesthouse of a rich popular snob.  All Claire wanted was to just belong, but her hostess will not allow.  When Claire sees how glamorous a life of popularity is, she does anything she can to be accepted The author of this book tells the story from both of their points of view, and doesn’t show much favor to either of the characters, so you see what is really happening.. The characters in the book are seventh grade, and I think that is the crowd it is most geared to.  It was an easy read, and glided right along, It wasn’t my favorite book, but it definitely wasn’t my worst. 


  Very Easy 


Harrison, Lishi. Best Friends for Never.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ MICHI, 10th grade 

This book is the second volume of the Clique.  However, Massie, the leader of the group, and Clair, who lives in Massie parent’s guesthouse are hosting the first boy/girl Halloween party of eighth grade.  Massie's already hired Landon Dorsey, the hottest party planner. The entire eighth grade girls are excited and happy because now they could play games with their crushes and might even be lucky enough to get a kiss.  Now Massie and Claire have the same crush, which is Cam, and if Massie knows that Claire likes Cam, it’s going to be war.  I thought the first, and the middle, of the book was boring, but in the end, it started to get interesting.  Overall, it’s an Ok book but Clique was better. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Jane, ninth grade

Claire desperately wants to be excepted by the infamous pretty committee, but her next door neighbor is not making it easy.  Claire has already gone through many tests to try and be a part of their group, but she is still out.  Massie, the head pretty committee member and Claire’s neighbor, feels like she is going from the most popular to “out”.  When Massie gets an idea to through a party to re-gain her popularity, she goes to Claire for help.  Could this help Claire get into the group and Massie head popular, or ruin both of the girls?  The Author, Lishi Harrison, talk about the girls in a way that would make you think that she was their age.  She shows the glamour and despair of what being popular is really like, in an enjoyable, readable way.    


  Very Easy


Harrison, Lishi. Clique#3: Revenge of the Wannabes.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mishi, ninth grade

Massie found out that Alicia cheated on the fashion design competition and now its pay back time. Alicia now has no friends except Olivia because Massie kicked her out of the best friend group.  At first Alicia was sad but then she felt happy to be free and even happier not been under Massie’s rule.  Alicia’s plan now was to make her own group, make Massie jealous, and make her best friends Kristi, Dylan, and Claire hate her.

What I like about this book is it makes the reader picture what the characters are doing and what’s happening around them. I really like this book and I would recommend this book to one of my friends.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jane, ninth grade

When Alicia gets a taste of what it’s like to be the most popular, she can’t go back to being second best, even if it ends her relationships with her best friends.

Now that Alicia is gone, the group she used to belong to isn’t doing so well.  The girls are torn between staying with their group, or going and joining Alicia’s.  Alicia sees it’s not so easy being in the lime light all the time, can she start her won group and leave all of her friends, or will she bow back down to being second best.  Even if the author hasn’t been through the scenarios that the girls go through, she makes it seem like she was there, and lived their lives.  It isn’t a one sided story, it shows what both girls are thinking.  If you liked the first books, you will love this one   


  Very Easy


Harrison, Lishi. Clique #6: Dial L for Loser.  

 ÙÙÙÙÙ Jane, ninth grade

When the chance of a lifetime to be in a movie comes along, a group of girls want every part of it, but only one can be the star, and not everyone can get in.  The girls that have been close forever, but when it comes down to some getting in and some not, the girls get a little hostile.  Grudges that they have held from times before, come up like they happened yesterday.  Can the girls keep their relationship fun and caring, or will they get too caught up in the need to be in the limelight?  Lishi Harrison tells this book as if she were there, adding details like she was born to write these stories.  I would recommend this book to a pre-teen age, or to someone a bit older looking for an easy, enjoyable read. 



198 pgs, 700L

National Book Award

Hautman, Pete.  Godless.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Scott, senior 

Although it starts off interesting, maybe even a little exciting, Godless soon becomes quite an average book after the first couple chapters. The story is about a teenage boy, who is a proclaimed atheist until he creates his very own religion. The few people that join his “church of the ten-legged god” worship, of all things…a water tower. It’s pretty lame and only some witty dialogue exchanges between the town trouble maker and our protagonist kept this book from sinking below average, oh and the occasional X-Men references that the Asian nerd makes. Things go from bad to worse for the characters of this story and the exact same can be said for the story itself.  The ending completely dragged.  After all these complaints, Godless still has some good things going for it…most just didn’t appeal to me personally, and I tended to focus on the negatives.  It’s hard for me to recommend this book. You may like it, you may hate it. I found it average.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

 Fun and has a real voice, a character that seems real.  (The nerd is German: his name is Schinner, and the main character refers to him as Shin.)  




Hautman, Pete.  No Limit.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tymon, ninth grade

 I really thought that this book wasn’t going to be good at all, but once I started it I couldn’t put it down.  It seemed like it could be so real.  The main character’s name is Glenn Doyle and he has a pretty successful lawn business.  He was making pretty good money and was trying to buy a car.  One day an older friend asked him if he wanted to come over to play some poker and have a few beers.  Glenn couldn’t say no because no one has ever asked him to have a beer with them.  It was his first time playing poker and he won all of their money.  People say gambling is bad because you lose your money, but they hardly ever say it is bad when you win too much.  This was an easy read and it is suitable for any age higher than middle school students.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chmb, 10th grade

 A nice good friendly game of poker can’t hurt anyone right? Wrong. In this story, Dennis Doyle starts off his summer as a kid who runs a lawn business and makes a decent amount of money for his work, when Jason Hicks asks him tom play poker he thinks its going to be a normal poker game, but he was wrong. Dennis becomes addicted to poker. This book is good because it tells the reader what an addiction can do to a person’s life and how it can make it seem like it’s the best thing in the world when at the same time it’s the worst thing in the world. 

I suggest this book to everyone.

ÙÙÙÙÙÙ Michael, 10th grade  

No Limit is a great book about a teenager named Dennis Doyle who plays poker and then doesn’t stop. Dennis plays for fun with his friends one time and when he wins he knows it’s his game. When Dennis starts buying books about poker he really gets into it. He eventually gets a fake ID and is playing in casinos and winning ten grand or more a night. Then money gets the best of him and he gets addicted and loses everything except money including two good friends. He finally decides to stop playing poker eventually. When he goes to help one of his friends who is playing poker, he gets in on a couple hands to try and talk him out of it. That night he ends up winning one of the biggest pots of his life.    

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tyler M, 10th grade 

 No Limit was a good book it was about a kid named Dennis Doyle he has a good life with great friends.  He does lawn service that his friends help him out with.  One day Dennis got into the poker games in the casino with a fake ID.  He loses interest in his lawn service and his friend has taken over.  Dennis gets so carried away in poker that he goes to the casino every day to play.  Dennis’s mom and his friends are worried about him so does Dennis listen to his friends or does he keep doing what he loves best getting money by playing poker.


Advanced Readers 



Hawkings, Stephen.  A Brief History of Time.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee



Advanced Readers 

244 pgs, 1400L


Drama, historical

Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

Once the reader is past the first few pages and becomes accustomed to his style, this is a great novel. 


An Oprah Book Club Selection

Haynes, Melinda.  Mother of Pearl. 

National Book Award

Winner / Most Honored

Hazzard, Shirley.  The Great Fire 


The conflagration of her title is the Second World War. In war-torn Asia and stricken Europe, men and women, still young but veterans of harsh experience, must reinvent their lives and expectations, and learn, from their past, to dream again. Some will fulfill their destinies, others will falter. At the center of the story, a brave and brilliant soldier finds that survival and worldly achievement are not enough.

National Book Award

Winner / Most Honored

Hazzard, Shirley.  Transit of Venus.  


two orphan sisters, Caroline and Grace Bell, leave Australia to start a new life in post-war England. What happens to these young women—seduction and abandonment, marriage and widowhood, love and betrayal—becomes as moving and wonderful and yet as predestined as the transits of the planets themselves. Gorgeously written and intricately constructed, Hazzard’s novel is a story of place: Sydney, London, New York, Stockholm; of time: from the fifties to the…


Fairly Easy

417 small pages, 840L


  Historical Fiction

Hearn, Lian.  Across the Nightingale Floor: The Sword of the Warrior.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Thomas R.

Takeo is part of a secret society called the Hidden and one day he is out playing in the woods and when he comes back the whole village is killed.  He wonders around looking for any survivors when the people who killed the villagers and is pursued by three men spot him.  Suddenly Takeo runs into someone and is grasped tightly by a man who then kills the pursuers and takes Takeo away.  Takeo later finds out that this man is an Otori Lord who brings out powers in Takeo that he would have never known.

This book is all right but there are just too many characters and names that sound the same.  In addition, this book gets confusing because every chapter it jumps to another person.  But, other than that, it is good with description and has a good storyline.  Almost anybody could read this book, it has not too many big words and easy to understand other than the names.     

ÙÙÙÙÙ Andrew, eighth grade 

  Across the Nightingale Floor is about a 17 year old boy named Tomasu living in medieval Japan. When the evil warlord of the Tohan Clan destroys his village, Tomasu is rescued by a lone swordsman who he finds to be the lord of the east. After being rescued, Tomasu is renamed Takeo and sets of on a quest of vengeance against the lord of the Tohan. This book never has a slow spot and I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone who enjoys a great book. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Caleb, ninth grade 

Across the Nightingale Floor is a book about a young boy who lives in a village where the people are among the Hidden, which is a type of religion.  They are a peaceful people. Ida, a warlord, hates the Hidden and decides to kill all of them.  This one boy escapes the clutches of death and is saved by a man he will later call his father.  He lives with this man now that is an Otori lord and his name is changed to Takeo.  He finds that he has hidden skills that come from his ancestors and he can do things that others can only imagine.  When his step-father is forced to marry a women to bring peace to the three countries, they travel to the town of Lord Otori’s enemy.  Takeo is tasked with killing the warlord Ida before the day of the wedding so the lands can be free of his tyranny. But something else happens instead.   

     This is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone that likes an book with action, romance and all together love.  This is the best book I have read this year.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jeff, eighth grade 

Takeo is a boy from a peaceful village in medieval Japan.  When his village is attacked by the Tohan, he runs to see if his family has survived.  In doing so, he meets a strange man.  The man defends him from the Tohan, and helps him through out the story.  They travel a long distance to get to safety.  Also there is another girl who is of importance in the outcome of the story.  She is a hostage in the castle of the Tohan.  The book is filled with much mystery, and things are almost never as they should be.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

Straight action and adventure from the beginning of the book to the end - a wonderful tale.  


Heller, Joseph.  Catch-22.  New York: Dell.  

World War II was a messed up war!






Hemingway, Ernest.  The Dangerous Summer. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Eric Cowell, senior 

This book captures the very essence of bullfighting.  It is Hemingway’s personal account of the summer of 1959 in  Spain .  It was said that that summer was the greatest summer of bullfighting in Spanish history and Ernest had front row seats.  This book is a rare look into the mind, not of his characters, but into the mind of the writer himself.  Overall, a fascinating must read Hemingway novel.  

336 pgs, 730L

Hemingway, Ernest.  Farewell To Arms.  




Hemingway, Ernest.  For Whom The Bell Tolls.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Eric Cowell, senior

     This book was an absolute classic.  It was a little lengthy and in depth at times but that made it all the better read.  It immerses you in the tale of the characters and how they cope with war.  I love its realistic backgrounds and its brilliant use of symbolism.  A Hemingway book wouldn’t be complete without a bitter-sweet ending which this one, definitely has.  All and all I give it a two thumbs way, way up.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

     Which Hemingway first? Hemingway spans quite range.  If you have just finished reading The Great Gatsby and are interested in the jaded, bored-with-life, spoiled and rich who drink and drink, read The Sun Also Rises.  If you’ve just finished Dr. Blade #57, you like senseless action, and just want to say you’ve read Hemingway, try To Have and Have Not.  But if, like me, you come from a background of JRR Tolkien, RL Stevenson, HG Wells, and Jack London, and perhaps you have already read a few Nick Adams tales or The Old Man and the Sea, then don’t be daunted by length - this is your book. 

     While it’s true this book slowed down a few times, that rang true.  It mirrored the reality of my military experience.  Then again, there are some chapters of this book burn into the memory: how the Communists first dealt with people after taking their hometown, the stand they took on the hilltop, the final scene, and others.  There characters were clear, the action realistic, and the inaction tense.  Read it. 


Somewhat Difficult

268 pgs 

Hemingway, Ernest.  The Nick Adams Stories. 




Hemingway, Ernest.  The Old Man And The Sea. New York: Charles Schribners sons.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chm, tenth grade

The Old man went eighty four days without a catch, when the future doesn’t look to good, he keeps his head his and on the eighty fifth day he has the fight of his life. This is a great book about and fisherman living and fishing on a Cuban coast. I really liked the descriptions and the character of the old man; in the end of this book you will realize the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Fuller, tenth grade

 Ernest Hemingway has a unique style of writing; his wording helps you understand the book and make you feel almost like your right there with the main character.  Ernest’s stories also help teach you a lesson and there is a moral to the story.  In this particular book an old Cuban fisherman has gone eighty some days with out a catch so he heads out to sea, in the Gulf Stream, in his boat in search for the fish of his life time.  When he lands it he spends many days trying to pull it in. Read along and discover the many tails of Ernest Hemingway and see if the fisherman finally catches a fish of a life time. I give this book four out of five stars and recommend it to readers who are looking for a short and quick read.           

ÙÙÙÙÙ Michael, ninth grade

       The book was a great with only two real characters. The boy was a friend of the old man but he could not fish with him because he never caught fish.  When the old man went out far one day he hooked the biggest Marlin he ever saw. This fish fought him for four days straight. All the old man brought was a water bottle so he had to eat his bait or smaller fish he caught. I liked how the old man battled and would not give up on the fish. When he did catch the fish he had to paddle way back in. The sharks ate most of the fish but he still was proud and never gave up. When the men at the docks measured the skeleton it still was the biggest they ever saw. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Ben M. , senior 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Eric C., senior  


Fairly Easy



Action Adventure

Hemingway, Ernest.  To Have and Have Not.  New York: Scribner.       

ÙÙÙÙÙ Eric C., senior 

This book is an excellent read.  Hemingway displays his mastery over the short story like no one else could.  It has very easy, simplistic language, but it also carries a very deep underlying message.  It not far fetched either.  It is raw and realistic in the way the characters relationships are portrayed.  Overall I really enjoyed this novel and I highly recommend it to a person who enjoys a good action adventure novel.


  Somewhat Difficult 

256 pgs, 610L

Hemingway, Ernest.  The Sun Also Rises. 


  Somewhat Difficult 

488 pgs


Hugo Award Winner

Nebula Award Winner

  Science Fiction

Herbert, Frank.  Dune.  




 Moderately difficult 

436 pgs, 990L


Herriot, James.  All Creatures Great and Small.  New York: St. Martin’s Press. 


ÙÙÙÙÙ Ben Mosley, senior 

     All creatures great and small is a great book and an easy read. It is about a veterinarian fresh out of school that moves in to the Yorkshire hills to work. The young man becomes the assistant to an already prominent vet and starts making his rounds to the farms and homes. This book covers all his achievements and failures both as a veterinarian and a person. 

   This is a very easy read and I would recommend this for anyone that had a seventh grade reading level or higher. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

Here's a challenge to English teachers.  This book is hardly high literature.  One won't discover fine prose or deep symbols or even a structured plot - and yet there's something genuine here, a voice perhaps, or a tone, or a clarity about the essential things in life that is more easily found among the ordinary folk than in the ivory tower.  Whatever it is, it has made All Creatures one of the best-loved memoirs in the English language - one that shows little evidence of dying away thirty five years after its publication.  


  Moderately difficult 

245 pgs, 1170L

Hersey, John.  Hiroshima.  New York: Random House. 


character map 


ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee 

This fascinating account personalizes the attack by focusing on six individuals, but it would have been better to introduce them more slowly.  The book is written in a somewhat dry, newspaper-account voice, but very interesting: it made me think about what it would have been like to be there.  


Medium Difficulty

482 pgs, 900L


Hickman, Homer H. Jr. October Sky.

«««««Joe R., 10th grade 

October Sky, which is based on a true story, was a very thrilling novel to read. The story portrays the childhood years of Homer Hickam Jr who lives in a small coal mining town in West Virginia. While most of the other teenage boys were getting ready to work in the mines as their fathers, Homer took an interest in building rockets. This tells his story of how he went from blowing up his mothers rose bushes with his first rocket, to eventually working for NASA.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Marie, 8th grade 

October Sky is about a kid who had bigger dreams than the town had ever seen before.  He and a few friends started to build rockets getting them thousands of feet in the air. The town was amazed and tried to get them in the science fair, but they didn’t want to at first and finally they decided to go. Would they make it to the national science fair? Some think not because they think the only thing that’s going to make it big was the football team. Also is his dad did not believe in his dream to become a rocket engineer. Could his dad ever believe in him and help him win?



Higa, Tomiko.  The Girl with the White Flag. 940.53 HIG

 ÙÙÙÙÙ  Jason, junior

This book  is very sad but uplifting, and is a true story.  Its about a young girl at the age of seven that takes place in Okinawa.  Her mother dies when she is young and they loved each other very much.  When she is 7 the war comes to Shuri where she lives.  Her father went out at night to go get food and never came back.  Tomiko the little girl, is left with her 2 older sisters that are ages 17 and 13 and Ninni her brother that is 2 years older.  While sleeping in hallows a few guns were shot and Ninni her brother was shot in the back of the head and died, Tomiko and Ninni were very close.  Then when they were on the run with many other casualties Tomiko got sepa from her sisters.   She is trying to survive and doesn't want to loose her sister like she did with everyone else in her family.  Tomiko has many challenges including food and shelter.  She is an amazing little girl.


Somewhat Easy

180 pgs, 750L


Teen Troubles

Hinton, S.E.  The Outsiders.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Todd F., 8th grade 

The book The Outsiders was an intersting book to read.  It has a lot of action and gang fights, which also makes it a fun book to read.  The main characters are three brothers who stick up for each other and fight a gang from the north side of town, the Socs.  The storyline of the book is about problems the three brothers and their friends have, along with all the fun they have.  This book is meant for high school kids and not for young children.

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Robert Chmb, ninth grade 

If you want a book with gang fights, romance and friendship The Outsiders is the book to read. This book is about a gang of greasers who have an undying war with the boys from the north, the Socs. Its all a big rivalry until the night some one takes things too far and the greasers lives are changed forever. I recommend this book to any one above the age of thirteen. This easily one of my favorite books of all time because of the action and the relationships of between characters.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Paul F., eighth grade 

     If you like books about fights and gangs, then you will like this easy short adventure book.  The Outsiders is about three brothers who are in a gang and the older one could have gone through college with a scholarship, but he didn’t so he could take care of his two younger brothers.  I recommend this book to high school students.  It is a violent book and it’s not meant for elementary students.  




Hinton, S.E.  Rumble Fish.  New York City: Dell Publishing.    


ÙÙÙÙÙ Hailey B., 9th grade 

I liked this book for the most part, it was pretty good. It was pretty violent throughout the whole book, there were a lot of gang beatings and such, but I thought the author did a great job explaining how things were supposed to work in the book.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Paul F., 9th grade

Rusty-James is the toughest kid on his side of town. He will take on anyone if he gets in a fight that he can not handle his brother the motorcycle boy will step in and help him. His brother is smart, but he does not know what he wants to do with his life. This is a story with a lot of adventure and action. It is a very easy read also.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Kate, 10th grade

The Motorcycle boy is tough, smart, quick, and handsome. Every one wants to be like him, especially his younger brother, Rusty-James.  But the Motorcycle boy doesn’t have any real place he belongs, and Rusty-James comes to find that out.  This book is an easy read but it has some unexpected plot twists.  The internal conflict inside Rusty-James having to do with growing up and realizing that he isn’t so tough is much more interesting than what actually happens to him.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Darcy, 10th grade

Rusty-James is a born street fighter. He’ll take on anyone who challenges him whether it’s a stronger opponent or a weak wannabe. If he gets himself into a fight he can’t win, he relies on his brother, the famous Motorcycle Boy, to come and save him, until one day he realizes life isn’t all about who’s the toughest kid in town. I give this book four stars because most guys can relate to the characters and even the plot. The thing that keeps this book from getting five stars is the ending is totally random and leaves the reader asking too many questions. I would recommend this to anyone who likes Hinton’s other gang-based books.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Scott R., junior 

Not much can be said for this book besides that it is a very average read. It is about a boy in his early teens growing up, surrounded by heavy gang violence, drinking, and drugs. I enjoyed Go Ask Alice much more as that book handled the topics of drinking and drugs in a far better, not to mention more interesting, manor. This book can be completed fairly quickly but readers will get out of it, the time that’s put into it. There is no lasting quality to this book like there was with The Outsiders. This is a pretty weak book that I would only recommend to people strongly interested in books about drugs and drinking because despite the fact that it is about gang wars, there really isn’t much action.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Michael, ninth grade 

          I thought Rumble Fish was an okay book. Like most S.E. Hinton books, it was about fights and gangs. Rusty-James is the toughest out of the group of boys from his high school and wants to be just like his brother the motorcycle boy. Rusty knows he’s not smart and he uses his fists and not his brains. Motorcycle boy is colorblind and Rusty wonders what it’s like and he finds out in the end.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Tymon H., eighth grade 

This book takes place in a town full of street fighters.  The book starts out in the present and then goes into a flash back.  At the very end of the book it goes back to the present.  I found it very easy to understand.  This book has some drama in it, but it mostly has action and adventure.  I recommend this book to people who like action and street fights.     



154 pgs, 780L


Hinton, S.  E.  That was then This is Now.  New York: Dell.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Dana, 8th grade

This book is about two friends going through some rough times. The characters were relatable and the situations they faced were very understandable. However, seeing that this book was written in the past, some of the vocabulary was hard to comprehend. But, besides that, this book was well written and had a very good story line.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Hailey, eighth grade 

This novel was a decent book.  It had great descriptions about the characters, setting, and the plot of the story.  The best thing about this book is that Mark and Bryon had been best friends when they were growing up, but when they became teens, they started separating.  They started realizing that they were interested in different things, this got to the point that in the end of the book, neither one of the boys knew who the other one was anymore.


ÙÙÙÙÙ Michael, ninth grade 

 That Was Then This Is Now is a good book with lots of action. It was about two boys who are always getting into trouble and what not. They always have gotten along with each other doing everything like they were brothers because they kind of are. Bryon’s mom adapted Mark after his parents killed themselves in a fight. Mark and Bryon always get along until Bryon finds out what Marks doing and tells on him changing both their lives forever.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Paul, eighth grade 

The main character of this book is Bryon; he is good friends with a kid named Mark, but Marks parents died when he was younger.  Bryon invited Mark to live with him, and his family.  One day they where looking for a job to help support the family, Bryon found a job at a local groceries store, mark found a job but no one new what it was, all they cared about was that he just kept bring in money.  Bryon has to make a hard decision and the answer will change his life forever.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jason P., senior 

The main character Bryon brings the reader into his teen city lifestyle.  His life is filled with wrongs and rights, interaction with girls and getting into fights.  Life is hard for a kid on the streets, and his life is changing so fast he can’t believe it.  His best friend Mark is slowly fading in his life, while he gets more serious with his girlfriend Cathy.  He begins to realize he is no longer a kid and finds himself in life changing situations.  He comes across a tough decision that changes his life forever.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tyler F., senior 

This is another by-the-numbers Hinton about high schoolers living in the projects.  Everything is exactly what one would expect from this genre.  The hero, Bryon, starts  very close to his live-in friend Mark, but Bryon moves away from the criminal (free) lifestyle Mark loves and becomes a respectable grocery store bag boy.  Bryon and Mark encounter fights, a shooting, and drug use.  Eventually Bryon betrays Mark and sends him to prison.  At times, the book gets preachy about drugs, violence, and family life, which I found annoying.  



154 pgs, 780L


Hinton, S.  E.  Tex.  New York: Dell.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Hailey B., 9th grade 

This was a good book, I liked it because it was kind of a mystery in that the main character was on a mission to look for his horse throughout most of the book, but it also dealt with very strange things that happened in his life, and what all was going on with his father and his brother. He didn’t really have a mother, and his father claimed to be off doing a rodeo, but he just so happened to be gone for many years. So it was just him and his brother living together, and the scary thing is that this could actually happen to someone.


  Very Easy

Newberry Honor Book

Holme.  Our Only May Amelia. 


Advanced Readers

Homer, translated by Richard Lattimore.  The Odyssey.  







Horowitz, Anthony.  Stormbreaker.  

Tymon, 9th grade

I found this book to have a very good story, but it seemed very childish.  It was a very short and easy read.  It takes place in The United Kingdom and the main character is a young teen.  He really is confused in life because the Uncle that had been like his father had just been killed.  I recommend this book for kids who need a quick book to read or to elementary kids.


Medium Difficulty


Hosenini, Khaled.  The Kite Runner.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tymon, 12th grade 

The story of The Kite Runner is an extremely moving novel that takes place in Afghanistan during the Russian invasion.  It is about two best friends who are torn apart because of the lifestyle their society forces them to live.  The 371 pages might seem like a bit much, but once you pick up the book, you won’t be able to put it back down. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tyler J., 11th grade 

The Kite Runner is just action packed this is another book that I really enjoyed reading this year.  this book told the history of a boy's childhood. The author is of course the boy, this book is just action packed, and you will never find a boring chapter.  This book deals with bullying, and losing family members and close friends. All the author wanted to do was please his father before he died from his sickness. I won’t tell you everything about this book but reading it will make you never want to put down this book. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee 

Two best friends - one is totally devoted, but the other is uncertain how much he really wants to be friends.  When something tragic happens, the repercussions last a lifetime.  


  Very Easy

Newberry Honor Book

Horvath.  Everything on a Waffle. 


 Somewhat Easy 

145 pgs, 1040L 


Houston.  Farewell to Manzanar.  9bio Houston


ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

I enjoyed this memoir of one family in the relocation camps for Japanese living in California during World War II.  It gave the vision of what these people were really like, made them individuals, and wasn't the typical accusatory racist polemic of which we've all had too much.  One thing that surprised me about this memoir is that I expected it to end when they left Manzanar - after all, the title.  Don't stop there - the story's not over yet!  


 Somewhat Difficult 

497 pgs, 1340L

Hugo, Victor.  Hunchback of Notre Dame.  



 For Advanced Readers 

Hugo, Victor.  Les Miserables. (abridged) 



208 pgs, 1100L

Newberry Honor Book

Hunt, Irene.  Across Five Aprils.

 ÙÙÙÙÙ Miranda., junior

It is a story based upon the time of the Civil War.  It spreads through the five years that the war lasted, describing the struggle a small farming family goes through to keep their family together.  I would suggest this novel to anyone interested in history or the Civil War, since it very accurately describes the war and other events around that time it would be very interesting.



186 pgs, 1130L

Newberry Medal Book 

Hunt, Irene.  Up a Road Slowly. 


Somewhat Difficult 


Huxley.  Brave New World.  


Very Easy 

Hyde Catherine Ryan.  Pay it Forward.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Shayleen M., ninth grade 

If you want to read a book about friendship, honesty, and kindness, Pay It Forward is the book to read.  The school hired a new teacher, Mr. St. Clair he is a war veteran.  He told the class that they had to do an experiment. One of the kids, Trevor, chose to do something called pay it forward.  It is where Trevor did something good for three people and those three people do something good for three other people and it keeps going. Mr. St. Clair really liked Trevor’s his project.  Trevor ended up going to Washington to visit the White House and meeting the president. 

I think that this book taught about kindness can get somewhere in live.  I really enjoyed reading this book.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Emily, junior 

This book is about helping people that are in great need.  Trevor McKinney, the main character, is the person that comes up with the whole idea.  His idea was when you loan someone some money they don't pay it back they pay it forward to someone else.  In Trevor's eyes this idea after time will have helped every person without a home.   


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