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Quindlen, Anna.  Black and Blue.  

Rand, Ayn.  Anthem.  

Rand, Ayn.  Atlas Shrugged.  


 Very Easy 

Pulitzer Prize Winner

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan.  The Yearling.  


Very Easy


Rawls, Wilson.  Where the Red Fern Grows.  New York: Doubleday. 

««««« Dillon, 9th grade 

In this book the main character 10 year old Billy who lives in the ozark mountains during the great depression and wants a pair of coon hunting dogs. His parents tell him they cant afford them so he saves his money for two years, and buys two pups out of  an article he finds by the river. He names them old dan and little ann. He goes through many experiences with the dogs while hunting and takes them on a big coon hunting trip and he looses both of his dogs when a mountain lion attacks them.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chmb.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Fuller C.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Ben M., Junior

Where The Red Fern Grows is a great book.  If you like to read and adventure story about a boy and how he works to get his hunting dogs.  Then he works hard to train and hunt with them.  This story is meant for readers of all ages.  I would recommend this book for any one that is over the age of eleven or twelve. The author Wilson Rawls does a great job of getting the reader involved in the story.  I could not put the book down because in every chapter something was happening and you just wanted to find out what it was.  I would recommend this to almost any one.

Recommended by Ben for people that like to read about people trying to get what they like and believe in.


Very Easy

387 Pgs

Rawles, John Wesley Patriots: A novel of survival in the coming collapse.  

«««««Joe R., 10th grade 

Patriots was a very action-packed and entertaining novel. Apart from some use of some difficult acronyms and military orientated vocabulary, the book is based on a very good story. It conveys the tale of a massive socio-economical collapse in the United States and how a small group of friends have to fight off looters, bandits, and the tyrannical new American Government.

Read, Piers Paul.  Alive.  New York: Avon Books. 

A plane crashes high in the mountains leaving the passengers in a desperate situation.  Available in Mr. Greenlee's room.   


Moderate Difficulty



Female Relationships

Rennison, Louise. Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Danielle, Ninth Grade 

Georgia Nicholson and her friends go through a lot of the problems that most girls their age do. It’s somewhat like a diary. Georgia and her friends go through some hard times with boys, friends, and teachers. Jas ends up having problems with one boy – Georgia gets caught in it and then things start to go wrong for her. Then Georgia meets Robbie a.k.a. “Sex God”. She really likes him, the problem is that he’s four years older than she is and has a girlfriend (that Georgia hates). Her mom decides that they are going to go to New Zeeland to visit her dad for the summer because he works there. She tries to come up with some idea to stay and spend the summer with Robbie.  


Moderately difficult

Reynolds.  Rapture of Canaan. 


Ninah Huff, a 14-year-old girl, lives an unusual life for someone her age.  She and her entire extended family make up the community of The Church of Fire and Brimstone and God's Almighty Baptizing Wind.  Ninah's Grandpa Herman is head of the community and makes the rules that everyone must obey.  Temptation gets to the better of Ninah when it comes to her distant cousin, James.  When the close-nit family discovers Ninah is pregnant, the church begins to fall apart.  Will Ninah's faith overpower Grandpa Herman's wrath as well as The Lord himself? This novel is recommended by Roxanne for females 14 and up. If you enjoy this book read Bitterroot Landing by the same author.

117 pgs, 870L


Richter, Conrad.  A Light in the Forest.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tyler, 10th grade 

John Butler was a four year old white kid playing in the corn field, when all of a sudden he became part of an Indian village.  Eleven years later the army demands that the Indians give back all of their White slaves back to the army.  John is then sent back home to his real parents who he does not know.  While there he hates it and wants to return to his real family the Indians.  Two weeks later his cousin from the native tribe comes to his house and they escape back to the Indian village, on the way back it is tricky because of all the White men around that area who are trappers.  When John and his cousin get to the village the Indian warriors are setting off to destroy the White people.  John is sent to go with them because his father was the chief.  On the trip they see people coming up the river on a boat so they send John out in the bank to get the Whites to come near so the Indians can ambush them.  While John is there he notices that it is his White family, and yells at them to “Return it’s an ambush” so the Indians hop out and start to fire, but they are out of range.  The Indians are mad at John and they’re about to do something that will change John’s life.  


Moderately difficult

560 pgs 


Robbins, David.   Last Citadel: A Novel of the Battle of Kursk.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Andrew, 11th grade 

The Last Citadel is a riveting tale of the Battle of Kursk, the greatest single military action of human history. Told from the vantage points of two Russian tankers, a female Russian bomber pilot, and two SS tank officers. It is a very good book in spite of its page count. I recommend it to any person interested in fictitious military history. 


Moderately difficult

414  pgs 


Robinson, Kim Stanley.   Antarctica.  


For Advanced Readers 

Roberts.  Northwest Passage.


Moderately difficult 




Robinson, Kim Stanley.  Antarctica.

Attacks against scientists and workers in Antarctica mystify the crew of the station.  



Somewhat Difficult 

Röllevag, Oleg.  Giants in the Earth. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

In style and setting, this novel is like the Little House Books, but in content this book is darker and more adult. 






Roth, Arthur.  The Iceberg Hermit.  New York: Scholastic.


ÙÙÙÙÙ Paul, 9th grade      

The Iceberg Hermit is about a 16-year-old kid who is out on a whaling ship back in the late 1700s.  He is on his way back home when his ship hits an iceberg; he is thrown on to the iceberg and is the only survivor.  He has no food, no water, and no shelter, now he has to try to survive. Some parts of the book could not really happen, he gets lucky every time he gets in trouble if it would happen in real life that person would be dead or severely injured. I would only suggest the book to people who like adventures.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Fuller, tenth grade 

 The Iceberg Hermit a fairly quick and easy read.  I gave it three out of five stars because I thought that some of the scenes in the story were unrealistic.  This novel is about a seventeen year old boy who is working on a whaling vessel and heads up north into the Arctic  While up there, his vessel strikes an iceberg and ejects him onto a nearby piece of ice.  All other crew members were lost at sea and he must now fight to survive.  I found many of the events in this story to happen by coincidence and to his benefit no less but overall it was a fairly exciting read and I suggest it to anyone looking for a good read.   





Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  (volume 1)

ÙÙÙÙÙ Morgan, 8th Grade

Fans of this movie will love the book. The movie and the book are almost the same. Some parts in the book are cut out of the book. If you haven’t seen the movie or read the book, it is about a boy named Harry who is living with his Aunt and Uncle. What he doesn’t know is that he is a Wizard, a very famous wizard. Voltimore killed Harry’s parents. Harry is famous because he was the only one that survived his evil powers, and he was only a baby. Because he is a Wizard, he has to go to a wizard school, Hogwarts. On his way to becoming a great Wizard at Hogwarts, he has to face many challenges and solve one big mystery that lies beneath the school. With his two best friends by his side, they will try and make it through the school year alive.  





Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  (volume 2)

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Morgan, 8th grade 

Fans of this movie will love the book. The movie and the book are almost the same. Some parts in the book are cut out of the book. If you haven’t seen the movie or read the book, it is about a boy named Harry who is living with his Aunt and Uncle. What he doesn’t know is that he is a Wizard, a very famous wizard. Voltimore killed Harry’s parents. Harry is famous because he was the only one that survived his evil powers, and he was only a baby. Because he is a Wizard, he has to go to a wizard school, Hogwarts. On his way to becoming a great Wizard at Hogwarts, he has to face many challenges and solve one big mystery that lies beneath the school. With his two best friends by his side, they will try and make it through the school year alive.





Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  (volume 3)

ÙÙÙÙÙ  Morgan, 8th grade 

  This book is the third book of the seven books of this series. A famous Wizard named Harry Potter who is in his third year of Hogwarts, and is starting his new year in hiding. He is hiding from the one person that wants to kill Harry and that would be Serious Black. A murderer with dark spells unlike any other Witch or Wizard.  Black is the only one in history that has ever escaped from Azkaban, a jail that only the worst Wizards or Witches go. Harry soon finds out that not all things appear to be what they actually are, and that’s not all the trouble Harry has to face, he has many challenges he has to face through out this book. This book I think was better than the rest because it has much more action and adventure through it.    


Fairly Easy 


Rowling, J. K.  Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire.  (volume 4)  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jane L. F., Eighth Grade 

   What do you do when someone is after you, but you can’t run because you don’t know who it is?  Harry Potter deals with this in his fourth year at Hogwarts, school of witch and wizardry.  He was entered into a contest that wizards had died trying to win.  On top of this, almost the entire school has turned against him.  The only people Harry thought he could turn to were his best friends, but even some of them don’t trust him.  J.K Rowling tells the story in a way we can all relate to, even though the main character is a wizard.  She makes Harrie’s problems and friends seem so real, that I start seeing what the characters will do before they do it!  So next time you feel like going to an enchanted world, buckle down with this Harry Potter, but be warned, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!





Rowling, J.K.  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  (volume 5)  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jane F.,  Eighth Grade 

 Harry potter has landed himself in another year of mischief.  He is now dealing with more problems than even before.  The Dark Lord has risen from his nearly dead state, and wants Harry dead.  The people Harry Potter looked for in times of trouble are leaving and running away.  To top it off, Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry just got a new teacher who is changing the way his school used to run, and driving everyone mad.  The newspaper is calling him a liar, or mad, and the students at the school believe it.  He is being abandoned once again, but his relationships with some others are getting closer.  Is there anything our little Harry isn’t doing? To find out read the book, before the Dark Lord converts Harry Potter to evil!   

ÙÙÙÙÙ Eric C., Senior

If you’re looking for action, intrigue, mystery, and a bit of fun then Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a great book for you.  In the Order of the Phoenix Rowling shows bits of greatness of that to rival the greatest fantasy authors such as Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.  It’s plainly easy to see why readers world wide have fallen in love with her characters.  Its also very safe to say that after this fifth installment we will see a lot more of Mrs. Rowling and her beloved character Harry Potter.



Rowling, J.K.  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  (volume 6)  



Somewhat Easy

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  (volume 7) 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Morgan, 9th grade 

      This is the last book of the series. Harry has to battle Voldemort one last time and the entire wizarding world is in Harry’s hands. He has to destroy Voldemort before he overturns the wizarding world. He must outsmart the most powerful wizard in the world with his 2 best friends and encounter many obstacles along the way. He must not let all the deaths in this book get to him or else he will fail.  This book to me was probably the best one because all the other books are steps leading up to this one and it just wraps all the events together. I think the author made this book sad in some ways for me because of certain deaths that happened in the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who has already read the other 6 books,

Rowson, Suzanna.  Charlotte Temple. 

At the time of the Revolutionary War, Charlotte Temple runs away with a British Officer and begins a life of trouble.  This is one of America's first big hits, and remained our best seller until Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in 1852.  



Moderately difficult 

An Oprah Book

Rubio, Gwyn Hyman.  Icy Sparks

Recommended by Lake. 

This unique coming of age tale is about Icy Sparks, a young girl growing up in rural Kentucky. Orphaned as an infant, Icy lives with her grandparents on Icy Creek Farm. The book follows Icy as she changes from a child to a woman and as she develops Tourette's syndrome.  This book is recommended by Lake for teenagers, especially those interested in psychology.

family relationships 

Ryan, Pam Muñonz.  Esperanza Rising.   


very easy 


Newberry Medal

family relationships and death

Rylant, Cynthia.  Missing May.      

ÙÙÙÙÙ Shelbie M., eighth grade 

         When you read this book, it will capture you and draw you in.  Missing May is about a girl whose parents died when she was young.  Her family keeps passing her around because no one really wants her. Then May and Ob went on a trip to see the family and they end up meeting her.  At the end of the trip they end up taking her home. She ended up living with them, but they were older so when, she was about 12 May passed away.  This story tells how she and Ob will deal with it. 


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