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Fairly Easy


Carroll, Lewis. The Jabberwocky.  Illustrator Graeme Base. 

 ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee


Moderately Difficult


Celebrate America in Poetry and Art.  Find it in the library at 811.008 C


 ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

This is my favorite art and poetry book; our school is lucky to have a copy.  


Advanced Students


Coleridge, Samuel Taylor.  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. 


 ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee

A crazy, old sailor stops a young man on his way to a wedding, compelling him with his glimmering, hypnotic eye to listen to a tale - a tale of how long ago, the sailor brought down a curse on his entire ship!  


This poem is available on PowerPoint on Mr. Greenlee's computers and in the British Literature textbook.  \


Advanced Students


David, et al. The Psalms

ÙÙÙÙÙ Arial  

The psalms of the bible are amazing because they express every human emotion.  Anger, anxiety, sadness, joy, and resentfulness are just a few of the wide rage of emotions expressed throughout the psalms.  It was surprising how many of the psalms were written about revenge.  The darker psalms show true emotion, but aren’t as fun to read.  My favorite psalm is number 23, it speaks of Gods goodness, and why we adore him.  Only poetry could express the emotions throughout the psalms.  It also makes people closer to the one who made them. 




Dickenson, Emily.  Poetry For Young People. 


These are poems, which are talking about life, nature, animals, flowers, and hope. She had stated things about how flower blooms, how it looks, and how woodpecker used their auger to get their food. The one I like is when the rain was falling and wind was blowing and lightning striking and, the cattle fled to barns etc. It has interesting poems.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Tyler M., tenth grade

Emily Dickinson’s poems were very good, she mostly talked about was days, nights and what she thought about what the world looked like to her and she made the characters do exactly what the picture shows. She is a great poet. She also tells about love and friendship and you should keep that to be happy in life.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Danielle, ninth grade

    Throughout this book you can tell that she liked nature and all the animals in it. The poems are all very good and they really make you think about what you are reading.

     Each poem is very special in its own way. They are special because they all explain different things that she loved in nature and what she loved about each thing.

      These poems were very good. It would be a great read for people who enjoy nature and the animals in it. The poems really made me feel like I was there. They all seem to tell you to really look around and smell the fresh air and flowers.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee 

If you've been turned off Emily Dickinson's work for being morbid, then this is the volume to try.   


Moderately Difficulty


Frost, Robert. A Boy's Will. 


Moderately Difficulty



Frost, Robert. North of Boston. 


Medium Difficulty


Frost, Robert. Poetry For Young People.     

ÙÙÙÙÙ Shelbie, 9th grade

 From the first page to the last this phenomenal book is filled with nothing but helpful and inspirational poems. These poems made me think about what they truly mean and once I got what they were saying they are very inspirational and are very good poems. This book could be read by right about any age although they may not understand the true meaning f the poems right then.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Caleb, tenth grade

      Robert Frost is a poet that writes about nature and things that occur outside and he has some very good poems.  My favorite poem written by him is called “The Cow in Apple Time”.  It is about a cow that escapes from his pen and goes and eats all the apples that fell on the ground.  I recommend this to anyone that likes poems about nature.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Fuller C., ninth grade 

 Robert Frost writes poems about the times of year such as winter, autumn and spring.  Each one of his poems has a significant meaning to it and under each illustration is a description of the poem for those who don’t understand it. I liked all of his poems.  They all had a great story to them but some of them are hard to comprehend, because he takes two things and combines them in a poem and they’re two things people would never think of being together.  I recommend this book to everyone.     

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chmb, ninth grade

     “Out, Out” and “The Pasture” two of the many excellent poems included in Robert Frost’s Poetry For Young People.  In this book, Gary Schmidt organizes Frost’s poems in chapters of Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

     My favorite poem was “Out, Out” in the fall chapter. I recommend this book to anyone.   


Very Easy


Frost, Robert.  Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening.  Illustrator Susan Jeffers.  Find it in the library at 811.52 FRO

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee 

Here, Robert Frost's  most famous poem made into a wonderful picture book.  The book may ignore possible a darker side of the poem, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.   



Moderately Difficult


Frost, Robert.  The Road Not Taken and Other Poems.  Find it in the library at 811.52 FRO


Moderate Reading 


Frost, Robert.  You Come Too: Favorite Poems for Younger Readers.  Find it in the library at 811 FRO






Newberry Medal

Hesse, Karen.  Out of the Dust. 





 Hughes, Langston.  Poetry for Young People.  Scholastic.   


ÙÙÙÙÙ Fuller, 10th grade 

Langston Hughes wrote immaculate poems.  They were all very moving and influential.  Reading his poetry was among the best pieces I’ve read all year because he writes about segregation and Black rights and I feel everyone should be treated equally.  Another plus to this book is that all the illustrations went along great with the poems.  Langston really makes it easy for the reader to understand his points and sometimes the poem has numerous meanings according to how you understood it.  There was no wrong way to read his poetry.  I gave it a five out if five stars because I simply enjoyed reading his thoughts and opinions, also because every poem had a significant meaning.       



Moderately Difficult

 Longfellow, Henry.  Favorite Poems.  Illustrated by Susan Jeffers.  Find it in the library at 811.3 LON


Moderate Difficulty


 Longfellow, Henry.  "The Wreck of the Hesperus" and Other Poems.  This volume is available in PowerPoint on Mr. Greenlee's computers.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chmb, ninth grade

   If you like great poems with very bold stories, Longfellow is the poet for you. My favorite poem was “A Skeleton In Armor.” It’s about a warrior and his life’s story. I recommend this poet to everyone because there can be action, romance, and sorrow. Longfellow is truly one of the best American poets.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Darcy, ninth grade

The poems by Henry Longfellow are very enjoyable. My favorite is The Skeleton in Armor. It tells the story of a skeleton of a Viking that was found buried near a tower. It tells how the Viking tamed wild animals and slew Grisly Bears and how he fell in love with the king’s daughter. I would recommend these poems to someone who likes to read longer poems that tell stories and are somewhat easy to understand.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mr. Greenlee 

It includes such favorites as "Skeleton in Armor", "The Village Blacksmith", and of course "The Wreck of the Hesperus".  


very Easy

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.  HiawathaFind it in the library at 811 LON

ÙÙÙÙÙ Michi, tenth grade 

Hiawatha was the newborn baby and his grandma would   sing songs to him that her ancestors sang to her.  As he grew older, she thought him how to live in the wildlife, how to behave around the animals, and how to listen and quote the sound of different animals.  As he grew each age, he found different abilities how to communicate with animals and how to be a thorough Indian. 

What I really like about this poem is that it was pure and relaxing.  The writer describes and explains what is going on, what are happening, what kind of day it was, and different sound of the animals.


Moderately Difficult

Masters, Edgar Lee.  Spoon River Anthology.  Find it in the library at 811.52 M


 The book collects small poems, each about a different person that had lived in Spoon River.  Each poem is in the form of a headstone that tells something about his or her life. 



Moderate Reading 


Poe, Edgar Allen.  Poetry For Young People. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Caleb, ninth grade

     This is a collection of many of Edgar Allen Poe’s poems.  Most of the poems seem to be about death and dieing.  I don’t know too much about him but I know he lost his wife and he took it hard and most of his poems might be about her but he gives them different names in everyone.   

   . . . . . My favorite one of his poems is Annabel Lee.  This might be about his wife it doesn’t say.  This book is recommended to all who enjoy getting creeped out a little.  


Moderately Difficult

Poe, Edgar Allen.  The Raven and Other Favorite Poems.  Find it at the Library at 811.3 POE


Very Easy

Rylant, Cynthia.  Soda Jerk.  Find it in the library at 811.54 R 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jane F. , ninth grade 

     Soda Jerk is about a boy who is a soda jerk at the local drugstore.  He doesn’t especially like the job, but he needed the money. He describes what happens in his day, what he thinks about, and experiences that he had.  He analyzes the people who come in, for instance rich kinds, hippies, the sheriff, jocks, the popular girl, and older women.  He watches what they do and puts things into the perspective of a high school boy.  

        The author writes this book in a sort of melodramatic way, almost too dramatic.  So by doing that, she makes some of the pieces cheesy, but others are very good.  The poems that I liked, seemed like she had similar or the same experiences that the main character had. She really goes from cheesy to heartwarming, and you will just have to read it for your self to decide.  If you are looking for a poetry book that is short, then this might be a good choice for you.



Fairly Easy


Rylant, Cynthia.  Something Permanent.  Find it in the library at 811 R


Lives lived in extreme



Fairly Easy


Sandburg, Carl.  Poems for a Young People.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Arial, ninth grade 

This book of poems was written by Carl Sandburg in the 1950’s.  Most of his poems are just descriptions of visual things.  However, a few like “Little Girl, Be Careful What You Say” and “Rat Riddles” have deeper meanings.  This book is full of fun and vivid descriptions and a few poems for thought. 



Very Easy


 Silverstein, Shel.  A Light in the Attic.  Find it in the library at 811 S




Silverstein, Shel.  Where the Sidewalk Ends.  Find it in the library at 811 S

ÙÙÙÙÙ Fuller, 10th grade

       Shel is no doubt the greatest poet there ever was.  If not the greatest the most creative or imaginative. He writes with tremendous humor and is always unexpected.  Where the Sidewalk Ends is a collection of poetry created and illustrated by Shel---- it’s one of his greatest collections.  I started reading his poetry not knowing what to expect and now that I’m finished I still have no idea what to expect from his other books, but that’s just the way Shel was, very imaginative.  I gave this book five out of five stars because even on the saddest day of the year I can pick up his book and read a poem and no matter what crack a smile.  If you haven’t experienced this feeling, give his poems a try.  I highly recommend them.     

ÙÙÙÙÙ Jeff, eighth grade 

This is the collection of poems and pictures of Shel Silverstein.  They do nothing more than tell stories of the impossible.  Flying shoes to live TV, no really the TV is alive.  This book is a bit confusing at times, but only because of the nasty tongue twisters it packs.  Over all it was easy to read, and it’s good for some laughs. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Shelbie M, eighth grade 

Want something that is a funny and easy to read? Then I would recommend this book.  It is many different poems and there are all sorts of funny things in them from sharp tooth snails in someone’s nose to selling little sisters. The best part of this book is that if someone needs to do something they can set it down and remember were they are because the poems are short and someone can just stop at the end of one. 



Smith, Kristen. The Geography of Girlhood.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Dana, 8th grade

This book is about a girl who is trying to navigate herself through the rough waters of high school. I thought the characters in this book seemed a little unreal at times and the situations they get into can be a little far fetched. However, I could relate to this book. I do not think that I would be upset if I didn’t read this book again.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Mackenzie, 8th grade

If you like poems, then read the book The Geography of Girlhood. This book is written in poems, and it makes sense. Penny wants’ to be in love. When she finally finds someone she wants to be with, she runs away with him. When he gets out of control, she wants to go back home to her family.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Kyra, 8th grade

The Geography of Girlhood is a unique book.  The author was very creative and made a complete book of poetry that fit together to tell a story.  The storyline moved a little fast for my taste, but it makes my list because of how different it is.  I wouldn’t recommend it for anybody who likes details.  I wouldn’t read it again, but it was a pretty decent book.


ÙÙÙÙÙ Amelia., 8th grade

This book is a poem that tells about an average girls life who is trying to escape. She thinkls life is too complicated so she leaves with her sister’s ex-boyfriend. The poems are great, but I don’t understand why she thinks her life is so bad that she has to run away. It teaches other girls to quit and run when something gets to hard for them.    

ÙÙÙÙÙ Michi, 9th Grade 

Penny is a teenage girl who thinks that her life is a mess because when she was a young girl her mom ran away from her family leaving her with her dad.  She thinks her sister doesn’t like her, her stepbrother is a nerd, and she can’t have a boyfriend who she can love.  Penny is sad, lonely, and stubborn and she has a low self-esteem.

Penny is haunted by her mom leaving her. She then decided she wanted to be just like her; she wanted to runaway from her family just the same way her mom did and she wanted to look and act like her mom. 

This book talks about Penny and the life she is living, what she likes to do and what she doesn’t. I thought is was a good book; very short and fast going.

ÙÙÙÙÙ Danielle, 10th Grade 

This book is filled with a clever make-up of a girl’s life. It shows how girls bond with their families, especially their sisters, in more than normal ways. 

      Throughout this book, you start to pick up the storyline that flows within the poems. Writing a book through poems is a very clever thing to do. The author of this book pulled it all off very well. 

       This book has done a splendid job of portraying the life of a girl going through their teenage years. These years are usually a very hard and confusing time for a girl. This book does not only tell, but it shows you how hard some of the things they go through really are.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Arial, 10th grade 

 The Geography of Girlhood captures what its like to be a teenager in a perfectly accurate way.  This book is a novel about the story of a girl growing up in high school, but its written entirely in poems.  The idea to write the book in poems was an excellent idea.  There is no other way, unless you wrote a very long book, to describe the life of a girl from eighth-grade to a senior in such an acute way.  Penny Morrow dreams of begging like her older sister and going on all her big adventures.  As she get older Penny does become quite adventures.  Her life is a complete roller coaster, as any teenage girl could understand.  Her mother ran away before she could walk, suddenly her Dad is married to a vegan woman, and she now has a new younger brother.  From running away, boyfriends, and parties she does it all.  This book was amazing a truly captured what it is like to be a teenager.  




Tankian, Serj.  Cool Gardens.  

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chf

Cool Gardens is a collection of poems from Serj Tankian. Many of the poems in this book have a deep meaning and some of the poems are very funny. The poems in the book are collections from over fifteen years. Most of them are about things going on around the world and how they should be changed. I highly recommend that you should read this, even if you are not a big poetry fan. Not one poem in this is dumb or meaningless. This book is a must.  

Whitman, Walt.  Selected Poems.  Find it in the library at 811.3 WHI




Moderate Reading 

Whitman, Walt.    Poetry For Young People.  




  Walt Whitman: Words for America.  Kerley, Barbara, and Brian Selznick.  New York: Henry Holt.  (Biography) 

 ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chmb, ninth grade 

This man is a true American poet who goes by the name of Walt Whitman.  It tells the story of Walt’s life and how he was constantly helping his country, whether it was in the camps of the civil war, or on the desk writing poetry about his president, he was always making a contributing to the nation he loved.  The author of this book puts some of Walt’s real poetry in the story and that makes it good.  This is a great true story.       

ÙÙÙÙÙ Shay, ninth grade 

This poem book talked mostly of wars.  In the war people got hurt and he went to visit them.  He would write the poem about the people.  The reason that he did not fighting in the war is that he was too old to fight.

This book was okay.  I do not really like reading poem books because sometimes it is hard to understand what they are trying to tell about.  Walt Whitman’s poems were pretty easy to understand I thought.




Williams, William Carlos.  Poetry For Young People. 

ÙÙÙÙÙ Robert Chmb., 10th grade 

Williams didn’t believe in a secret message in his poetry, he believed it should be simple and not too complicated. This book contains some of his best poetry from over the years. This is such a soothing book because its simple style about simple things leaves the reader feeling relaxed and refreshed.  I recommend.  




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