[5939 Rice Creek Parkway]

5939 Rice Creek Parkway
Shoreview, MN 55126
Hwy 35W & County Road J

The Hill Speakers
#4415 District 6

Area 22 - Frontier Division
The Hill Speakers is Open to all interested persons [O]
Meeting Time: Second & Fourth Wednesday at 11:30 a.m.
5939 Rice Creek Parkway (Hwy 35W & County Road J)
Shoreview, MN 55126
in Customer Conference Room - Siemens building
Club contact (763) 562-1670


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Date: March 1, 2007

Just a reminder

$Dues are due$

Please pay your dues to your club treasurer so that they can be sent to Toastmasters International by March 30, 2007

Thank you!

Date: March 1, 2006

Its that time again to collect Toastmaster's Dues. Please reply to me, Janet Hall, and indicate the following:

[ ] I will be attending the next Hill Speakers' meeting, and will bring a check for $30.00 made out to "The Hill Speakers".

[ ] I will not be able to attend next week's meeting, but will mail Janet a check for $30.00 made out to "The Hill Speakers" by 3/20/2006 at the following address:

Janet L. Hall BT 4201 Lexington Avenue North Arden Hills, MN 55126

[ ] I will not be re-joining The Hill Speakers.

Please respond per the above, so I don't have to waste your valuable time (or mine!) with alot of additional messages.



-- email

From: Joel Furr DTM

2. How much does membership cost?

    Upon joining Toastmasters, you will find yourself paying three different fees. One is the standard $20.00 fee that every new member must pay in order to receive educational materials (see below). One is the standard International dues, $4.50 per month. One is your Club dues, if any.

    All Toastmasters clubs are billed in March and September for semi-annual dues for their members who wish to remain members for the next six months. If you join in between those periods, you submit a _pro-rated_ share of the dues.

    Clubs usually charge dues on top of the world dues. This is so they'll have money in the treasury for expenses. It's up to each club what they want to charge. Some clubs waive the club dues for new members and only assess them at the semi- annual dues payment dates.

    So, to make a long story short, if you join at the following times, you'd owe:

    April or October: $20.00 + $27.00 + club dues
    May or November: $20.00 + $22.50 + club dues
    June or December $20.00 + $18.00 + club dues
    July or January $20.00 + $13.50 + club dues
    August or February $20.00 + $9.00 + club dues
    September or March $20.00 + $4.50 + club dues

    Then, once you're signed up, dues of $27.00 are assessed every six months, in September and March.
4. If I belong to more than one club, do I have to pay full dues for each?

    Yes. If you belong to more than one club, you must nonetheless pay full dues for each club.
5. Are my dues tax deductible?

    In the United States, they are -- IF your job is of a sort that requires or necessitates good communications skills. In other words, it must be an educational expense to be tax deductible. Toastmasters International will send you complete tax deduction explanations if you request them to do so.
6. What do I get for my dues?

    Your $27.00 semi-annual dues paid to World Headquarters goes partly for a subscription to the _Toastmaster_ magazine (which, to be honest, is an excellent magazine), partly to support development of new educational programs (they've got some *nice* new programs coming out these days), partly to support operations at World Headquarters (i.e. the staff who process membership applications, CTM applications, new club applications, etc. etc. ad nauseam), and partly to support your local District organization.

    Furthermore, when you finish your CTM, you get three of the Advanced project manuals for no extra charge to work toward your ATM with.

    Dues went up for the first time in over ten years last year and as a result, dues should not rise for a long time (it was like pulling teeth to get the most recent dues raise through, and some members remain unconvinced that it was necessary). This raise had a lot to do with printing costs and so forth quintupling over the last decade.

    Your club dues generally go to pay for the club's supplies, such as ballots, awards, ribbons, and educational materials. In some cases, such as when your club has a meal at each meeting, your dues may go to pay for that.
7. What do I get for my New Member fee?
    Your $20.00 New Member fee gets you the following:
    * the Communication and Leadership project manual
    * the "Gestures - Your Body Speaks" manual
    * the "A Speaker's Guide to Evaluation" manual
    * the Voice manual

    The latter three are instructional manuals rather than project manuals. Only the first is a workbook.
8. If I want to drop out of Toastmasters after joining, what do I do?
    Simply wait for March or September to arrive and don't pay your dues again.

    It'd probably be a good idea to let your Vice President Education know to stop scheduling you for speeches, though.
Give Toastmasters a try! If you want information about clubs in your area, do one of the following:
    * call (714) 858-8255 and ask * send a postcard to TI, P.O. Box 9052, Mission Viejo, CA 92690 * access http://www.toastmasters.org/index.html * send email (include a postal address)
We're looking forward to seeing you!
    * Note: due to California law, members of _California_ clubs pay sales tax on their new member fee.

"The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks
protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist.
Unauthorized use is prohibited."

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