The Hill Speakers group was founded in 1988 at BT
in Arden Hills as part of the
non-profit organization, Toastmasters International.
Our group, which averages 10 to 15 members, is open to
all members of the community, and always welcomes visitors!
We meet for one hour every second & fourth Wednesday at 11:30 in room
Maple of the Cafeteria. Since our club meets
during lunch time, we encourage everyone to bring their
lunches. Although visitors must be escorted in our building,
if you join our club, we will make permanent arrangements.
If you have any questions, or would like to visit or join
our group,
please call Rob Kalin (651-481-7430),
or Anh Tran (651-482-2966).
(*) Syntegra changed its name to BT in 2005.
(*) Control Data changed its name to Syntegra on December 1, 1999.
Visit the following links to see who served as our club officers
and who were our former members.
"The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters
International emblem are trademarks
protected in the United States, Canada,
and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist.
Unauthorized use is prohibited."