Club Information
Club Number 00004415
Club Name The Hill Speakers Club
Club contact phone (763) 526-1670
Club contact e-mail tran0017 at
Club website
Meeting Information
Meeting Day 2nd & 4th Wednesday
Meeting Time 11:30 am
Meeting Frequency Twice a Month
Meeting Place 1 Siemens - Customer Conference Room
Meeting Place 2 5939 Rice Creek Parkway (Hwy 35W & County Road J)
Meeting City Shoreview
State MN
Zip 55126
Officer Terms Annual
Advanced No
Club Type Community Club
Is your club Open to all interested parties
Charter Date 01/01/1988
The following assignments are now on file at World Headquarters.
Thank you for keeping your officer assignments current.
Officers for Club 4415 as of July 01, 2011
For the period July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2012
President Tom Oleson
Vice President Education Tuyet-Anh Tran, DTM
Vice President Membership Ron Peterson
Vice President Public Relations Craig J. Kasl, CC
Secretary Jean E. Daavettile
Treasurer Janet L. Hall, ACG
Sergeant at Arms Rhonda S. Lunemann
The following assignments are now on file at World Headquarters.
Thank you for keeping your officer assignments current.
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