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A Christmas Carol


These are some of the pictures I took of the 'Christmas Carol' cast and crew. This does not portray all of them...only the ones I was fortunate enough to capture on film.

Cast and Crew
This is not all of them, but the most I got.
My Friends: The Crew
One of the highlights of working this show was conversing with the crew. Left to right: Jim, Brian, Troy, Lorilee (her back), Doug, and John.
The Toyman
David Rees Snell portrayed Dick Wilkins and the "toyman."
Mr. Fezziwig
It was always a joy to see the smile of Michael Linsley Rapport. This picture makes him look like a floating head, hehe.
Gary Neal Johnson
Gary had the special honor of portraying Charles Dickens.
Bill & Dana
These are two of my friends and graduated acting students ('99), Bill DiPaola and Dana Vranic.
Jason Olazabal is another graduated acting student ('99) who had various roles in the production.
Nick Toren, also a graduated MFA student ('99), played the young Scrooge wonderfully in the 1998 season.

1998 Cast