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KCAR Launch Report: November 9th 2002 Sport Launch

Launch date and time: November 9th, 2002, 11:00 AM.
Launch location: Case Farm - Kansas City, MO

Despite a windy day, and a somewhat slow start, the last regular launch of the season turned out to be a fun and enjoyable one. We had several visitors, some who flew rockets, and one or two that just came to observe. One family came all the way from Topeka and put in several interesting flights. Our theme this month was “odd rockets” and several odd birds did get flown. Bob Wingate flew his whistling rocket. The Jessee family had several interesting odd rockets including R2D2 and other Star Wars rockets and a “lamp shade rocket” with a cone in place of fins. Dave Bucher had a couple of strange looking rockets, the strangest of which is the Roton Boiler that is a scale model of a real proposed rocket called the Roton. It looks like a blunt nosed cone. Tim B. had an original design resembling the F104 Starfighter; a much larger bird is planned.

During the launch, only one rocket was lost and that was due to a failure to deploy. It went in ballistic beyond the tree line. There were none lost to trees. James has the dubious distinction of the longest walk for any rocket — his Lawn Dart landed close to the highway, but managed to miss all of the trees and other obstacles on the way down.

Turnout was down somewhat due to the high winds, and also due some other launches in the area. Tim B. and Bob W. shared the launch control, range check officer, and safety officer duties throughout the day. Several persons assisted with the tear down at the end of the day, including Blair C., Bob and Erin W., Dave B., Ian, and Tim B. They have the club’s many thanks. We also spent a lot of time here and there just standing around talking rockets. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we all had a great time.

Total impulse expended: 965.53 N-s, in the J motor range. There was one clustered flight (#32) and four multistage flights (#6, #12, #17, and #35). There were 13 rocketeers. We burned 46 motors.

If you have pictures taken during this launch please let us know so that they can be posted on the web site. If you can scan them and save them as GIFs or JPGs that would be great. If not, a few of the club members have scanners and can get the pictures into digital format. Send e-mail for details.

Please send e-mail if any corrections need to be made to this launch report.

Launch Report
Launch Flier’s Name Rocket Name(s) Motor Comments
1 Tim Burger Tangent B6-4 Good flight; broke fin
2 Tim Burger Maxi-Alpha D12-3
3 Darwin May Quark 1/2A3-4T Lost — found later next to pads
4 Abbey Thompson Alpha III B6-4 Good flight
5 Bob Wingate Quest Area 51 UFO C6-0
6 Darwin May Mongoose B6-0/B6-6 Good staging
7 James Case V-2 D12-3 Long arcing flight
8 Tim Burger F104 Starfighter B6-4 Good!
9 Tim Burger Maniac D12-7 Nice high flight, not too much drift
10 Darwin May Mongoose C6-7 Good high flight
11 Mark Bazinet Big Daddy (#1) C6-7 Deployed but no ’chute; broke fins
12 Erin Wingate Delta Clipper C11-0/C11-7 Great Flight
13 Blair Clark Archer G35-4 Great Flight
14 Randall Jessee Y-Wing B6-4
15 Tim Burger Big Bertha B6-4
16 Ian Jessee Prowler B6-2 Needed more motor! No damage
17 Tim Burger Mongoose B6-0/B6-6 Good staging
18 Bob Wingate Bob’s Whistle Rocket C6-7 Whistles clearly heard
19 Ian Jessee Prowler C6-3 Much Better
20 Taylor Jessee Big Bertha B6-4
21 Mark Bazinet Initiator F20-4W
22 Blair Clark Archer G35-4 Very nice
23 Tim Burger Gecko D12-5 Good boost, tangled ’chute
24 Ian Jessee Quicksilver D12-3 Good flight
25 Paul Case Razor B4-4
26 Mark Bazinet Big Daddy (#2) D12-7
27 Randall Jessee Star Destroyer E9-4 Good Flight
28 Taylor Jessee Mach 12 A8-3
29 Randall Jessee R2-D2 A3-4T
30 Ian Jessee Copper Head G35-7 Good!
31 Dave Bucher Roton Boiler Plate B4-2 Cato — blow by — rocket OK
32 Taylor Jessee Mini-Viper 3 X A8-3 Nice
33 Tim Burger F104 Starfighter C6-5
34 Dave Bucher Mach LOC F25-7 Didn’t deploy
35 Tim Burger Long Shot C11-0/C11-5 Perfect!
36 Dave Bucher FSI Javelin F32-7 Good flight — spiral path
37 Bob Wingate Blue Streak A8-5
38 Tim Burger Sprint Magnum E28-4
39 Dave Bucher Juno I D12-5
40 James Case Lawn Dart G35-4

Rockets Making Multiple Flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
2 F104 Starfighter Tim Burger
Prowler Ian Jessee
Mongoose Darwin May
Archer Blair Clark

Flights by Rocketeers
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Tim Burger
Ian Jessee
Dave Bucher
Taylor Jessee
Randall Jessee
Darwin May
Mark Bazinet
Bob Wingate
James Case
Blair Clark
Paul Case
Erin Wingate
Abbey Thompson

Motors by Impulse
Motor Number Used Total Impulse
1/2A3 1 1.09
A3 1 2.22
A8 5 11.60
B4 2 8.58
B6 11 47.63
C6 6 52.92
C11 4 35.20
D12 7 117.88
E9 1 27.87
E28 1 39.69
F20 1 60.45
F25 1 77.92
F32 1 79.20
G35 4 403.28
Total: 46 965.53

See the duty roster for this launch.

Submitted by Tim Burger, NAR 78486.

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