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Nellie Rose is my baby and always will be. I adopted her when she was 8 weeks old from Great Dane Rescue.

One day I will grow into this crate and then look out!!! Cause I will rule the world!!!!!

Na Na Na Na boo boo, I got your shoe and it tastes really gooooodddd!!!! Its the next best thing to your socks, Mom. (She certainly doesn't look like she is worried about being in trouble, does she?)

What are you guys looking at??? Mom made me put this thing around my neck and I don't even know why! The things I have to put up with!

Hi, I am 5 months old and weigh 50lbs but you know why should I jump on the bed if I can look pitiful and try to get Mom to lift the back half up. Its a lot of work you know!! Didn't work this time though, so I ended up climbing up. I can jump up if need be but I thought I could talk her into helping!

Note from Mom: Nellie Rose has been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and a malapsorption syndrome. She has had diarrhea since I brought her home at the age of 8 weeks. No matter what kind of prepared food I tried - same results, uncontrolable water for a bowel movement all day every day. When she was 6 months old I started cooking food for her with my own recipe and I was ectastic. It worked!!! No more diarrhea. When the vet made the diagnosis he gave us Purina EN dog food to try. I was very leary but he was so sure it would help. I did try it and it worked!!!! YEAH! We now have her problem under control and she is gaining weight which is wonderful. For a while I was afraid to take her out because someone might turn me in for not feeding her, she was all bones.LOL. I am so glad we have my baby's problem under control.

There is this thing that follows me around and Mom says that it knocks things off and I need to be careful. Well, I don't know what it is so I decided to catch up with it. OW!!! It was attached. Mom was laughing at me, saying I was chasing my tail! Geez, she should have told me it was attached. I was just trying to find out what was following me!

Have you ever seen anything so silly. Mom was trying to get me to get off the couch so she could take a picture of me in "my outfit". Forget that stuff, I am not moving till it comes off!

Aren't I a beautiful fur kid? At least, thats what Mom tells me I am all the time and I believe her. I am Mom's forever baby.

Gosh, I thought that when I grew up I wouldn't have to wear these hats or scarves or things. Mom called this New Year's 2003, so I had to get this goofy pointy hat.

Cheyenne, Nellie Rose & I went to the St. Jude's Showcase of Dogs 10/03. They did so well in the crowds and with all the noise. I was a very proud Mom.

My little girl that couldn't fill the crate is almost 3 years old and so beautiful. She is all legs!
Oh shucks Mom! I think you're prejudice

I am getting older now and most of the time the others guys remember that the couch is mine and mine only. I can stretch so far that I will take up the whole thing if I try. Sometimes I have to push somebody off if they think they should be on it. Once in a while I share just to keep Mom happy.

My favorite thing to do is to go to the park with Mom. Luckily we have lots by our house. This is a picture of me at Robertsville State Park in the winter of 2005. Haven't I grown? Mom says she wishes she had my figure.



The Gang Together
Lost Loved Ones
Profile of a Boxer
Profile of a Great Dane
A Lesson Learned
BLOAT-A Survivor's Story
Why Not to Buy From a Pet Store
Rescue, An Option
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