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Sawyer came to live with me in October of 2003. I am truly blessed to have him. He came all the way from TN and his first Mom was very concerned that he might be deaf and have visual problems. He was the first born in Momma Dog's first litter. She must not have known exactly what to do because she had him in the living room and left him in his sac and went into a different room to have the rest of the litter. Luckily Aleasha found him. They opened the sac and had to massage this special boy back to life.

He probably developed slower than the his siblings and they thought he was deaf and visually impaired. So through my rescue friend Sandra I talked to Aleasha about having him come to live with me and The Gang. We met halfway in KY and I got Sawyer.

What a gem and character all roled into one. As it turns out he doesn't have any hearing (well, ok - very, very selective hearing) problems or visual problems. He is a big bundle of energy!

This is my first day here. I guess it looks OK. I haven't been in the house yet but smells like a few dogs live here. Let's go. I am game!

Wow, there is a mighty big dog around here. Her name is Nellie Rose & she is a giant but that's OK cause I can handle anything.

Wow, I got a big new backyard. Not much green stuff around here but lots and lots of room to run. I am pooped.

I am getting bigger! Watch out world!!! I am going to get as big as Nellie Rose and be boss of the house. Mom says NOT, but I am going to try.

Ohhhhh Wow. I have it made around here. Mom was playing with me all by myself this morning. I am 3 1/2 months old now and I really do like it around here. I gots a new sister Heidi. She is older than me but I am as big as her. Mom says not for long cause she will get as big as Nellie Rose. Oh well, I boss her around now.


I is upset with Mom today. We had lots and lots of rain and have some great mud in the backyard. Well, I loves to lay down in the mud when I am playing with everyone so I got myself all covered in great mud.I is upset cause Mom made me gets a bath and wash all the nice slimy mud off. Can you imagine????

OK, I may not have gotten as tall as Nellie Rose but guess what I weigh only about 10 or 15lbs less than she does. This is me in 2005 when I am 1 1/2 yrs old, whatever that means. Thats cause she is scrawny for a Dane in my opinion. Mom says that is not nice because she is just slim since she has that stomach problem. You know Mom won't even let her have Snausages or any great, greasy snacks like that????? Have to admit that would be the pits.

Don't tell anybody but I know I am one of Mom's favorites. Know why? Cause she can't resist this mug of mine.

This is me bein a very good boy. We went walking at the park and this here kid is Mom's nephew Dustin. His Mom and sister were along too with their 2 dogs but he couldn't walk them cause they was pullin him all over. Mom let him walk me cause she knew I wouldn't pull. Dustin and I had a great time and he was happy cause he could walk one of us fur kids too.



Nellie Rose
The Gang Together
Lost Loved Ones
Profile of a Boxer
Profile of a Great Dane
A Lesson Learned
BLOAT-A Survivor's Story
Why Not To Buy From a Pet Store
Rescue, An Option
Poems for Dog Lovers
Quotes to Live By
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