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Sponsoring Zyzzyraz Healing

Home Amethyst Bio Mats Astrology Healing Modalities About Kirby

Kirby would love to teach Indigo Astrology to a broader audience. He has unique Intuitive skills and Body Dynamic exercises which he would love to share with more people. Kirby is interested in writing, blending his experience with Energetic Therapies, Spiritual Astrology, Medical Astrology, Mind/Body connections and Bodywork. Kirby's intention is to help bridge the expanses between Psychotherapy, Body Work and Spiritual Astrology.

In terms of Sponsoring the business. We currently have an offce for healing work. We would like to open a larger office solely for healing practice and astrological classes and sessions. Kirby is going through the training to become a HIPP facilitator. HIPP stands for Help Increase the Peace Program. It is an incredible seminar for kids ages 12 - 112. It mixes lively exercises filled with laughter and questions plus time to thoughtfully ponder justice and non-violence (and their opposites). Kirby strongly recommends you look into attending a weekend and HIPP can use sponsoring as well.

Please send love offerings to:Zyzzyraz Healing c/o Kirby Moore 249 Lobbans Ln, Afton, Va 22920 . Your offering will truly help keep the cost of classes and sessions to a minimum.

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