News and Site News

Site news

Click here for site updates, such as new images, new pages.

Here for the first time? There is a list of film work here, and a list of television work here. Those two pages are intended for you, the fabulous audience to post your own reviews. The IMDB also has a listing.

John Hawkes, the dude in question.

If you have more information to provide, such as current projects, films that are not in the IMDB site listings, Let me know. Please note the disclaimer on the About page.

And now to quote Bugs Bunny, On with the show, this is it!

A note about the Guestbook - due to SPAM, I've had to switch it to a moderated Guestbook. What this means is, if you post in the Guestbook, it will not immediately be available. I have to approve it it first. And if your website is selling Viagra or anything else, I will delete it, because I will consider it SPAM. And if I keep getting SPAM through the Film and TV forms, I may suspend it for a while. We'll see.

SITE TIP: If you hate the ads as much as I do, (And I do.) then try turning off Javascript for the main pages of this site. Obviously, you'll need it for some pages, and they will be marked as such. But it does take the frustration factor away when Javascript is turned off.

Site News too big to fit in Site News

Maybe you've noticed the new look - well, unless you hit the darkrooms, then it's the old look all over again, minus the old fashioned frames. Or, unless you're new here. The site was due for an over haul, and for the most part has now had one. The darkrooms make my head hurt. Anyway, I hope you like it.

Film news

News from Francis Stokes, Director of Harold Buttleman, Daredevil Stuntman:

Hey all! Here's the latest on my movie 'Harold Buttleman, Daredevil Stuntman' - hope this finds you well. Thanks to a really amazing sponsor, 'Harold Buttleman' is now viewable, for FREE, on YouTube.

If you want to show your support for the movie and my other projects, now you have an opportunity: Spout will give me $1 for everyone who joins their website (it's free). Go to and sign up!

And watch 'Harold Buttleman' on YouTube:
Please tell your friends, post it on your blog, or whatever eles you can do to help spread the word!

Also, 'Harold Buttleman' will be available on DVD starting next week, at

For more info, clips from the movie, and news on my other projects, visit

Thanks to you all for your support!
-Francis Stokes
Director, 'God, Inc', 'Harold Buttleman, Daredevil Stuntman'

John Hawkes will be in the film American Gangster, due out sometime in 2007. With Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, Cuba Gooding Jr, and Josh Brolin, this synopsis from IMDB says: A drug lord smuggles heroin into Harlem during the 1970s by hiding the stash inside the coffins of American soldiers returning from Vietnam.


Music News

King Straggler has a spot at MySpace, as I think every cool band does these days, so check out their corner: Also, King Straggler is featured in Paste Magazine's music sampler. Look for Thom Yorke on the cover. You can ask to be 'added' to the band's list of friends and comment on their blogs, and images. But you probably knew that.