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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Pitch Black/Alien 4 crossover- Part 6


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Working on the skiff under the searing heat and lack of oxygen took it's toll on all involved in the project.And all were thoroughly grateful for the murky water that Rashad and Jack had gathered from the newly operating well pump.As they all gathered that evening in what served as the main hall, the days toil showed clearly on everyone's features. Even Riddick looked worse for the wear, a fact that Johns viewed with smug satisfaction.
`Not a god at all,' he chuckled to himself as he watched Riddick wearily lower his hulking form to the dusty floor. `How's it feel being mortal.'
The others soon followed suit ,although they gave Riddick a wide berth.Johns found himself a suitable spot on the floor as well, not far from Riddick but close enough to Fry so as to possibly get more acquainted in the darkless night.Riddick glanced at him long enough to feel a tinge of jealous hatred.He had harbored nearly the same thought throughout the day,but as he glanced about ,he noticed that Nikki was absent from their little slumber party. That on top of the blaring suns and it was going to be a long night indeed.


Riddick's slumber was a light one,finally restlessness overtook him and he quietly slipped out in search of the missing member.Stepping outside the suns seemed somewhat brighter than he previously remembered and he quickly set about his way,eager to escape the light once again.Which was exactly what he figured Nikki would be doing right now.
His first thought was that she'd returned to the messhall,escaping the searing heat and possibly searching for more food.Although once the kid discovered the food stores, the rest of the group soon followed.By now he was sure that it had all been picked clean.Casually he swept the darkness with his dark,gleaming eyes.
Suddenly another event crossed his mind and jerking the goggles hastily back over his eyes he turned and dashed for the Coring room. Smoothly he slipped through the door and as he had suspected,she was here.She lay at the edge of the pit,peering over it in rapt fascination.She was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn't appear to have noticed his entrance.But even Riddick knew that appearances could be deceiving. Silently he gazed upon the prone figure before him, musing that had she had a tail it would probably be switching like a cat's right now.Stealthily he took a step forward,glancing out the window as he went.It wouldn't be too long before Johns noticed his absence and came looking for him. In smooth hushed motions, he continued forward, letting his eyes take in her every shape and curve as her body lay before him, carefully studying her muscles for any suggestion of movement.Anything that would allude to him being here.But she remained still and focused,the steady rise and fall of her breaths her only movement.
Finally he paused at her feet Kneeling smoothly down to one knee and following slowly forward with the other, until he was straddling the rapt beast before him.And still the creature of beauty did not stir. In a single fluid movement, he descended forward,hands bracing on either side of her body,now so close he could almost feel her warmth through his thin shirt.Such proximity was torturous, and his mind screamed at him to close the gap so that his lustful muscles could press fully and firmly into hers.But Riddick was somewhat of a master at controlling his willful body and kept the gap to mere centimeters as he bent close and whispered into her ear. "Lose something," He asked,amused at the way his breath danced through her short brown hair. In an amazing flurry of speed,and quite a feat of agility, Nikki flipped onto her back.Her body barely brushing against his during the entire move,but he was now suddenly aware of a new sensation pressing into his throat.To his amazement he had infact surprised her and knew that this could be a very dangerous situation. But he was instantly reassure as that sly smile slowly spread across her soft pink lips as she whispered the blade of the knife slowly up his throat and past his ear. "You shouldn't play with knives," He taunted, gazing down upon her through his dark lenses."Somebody could get hurt." Grinning broader she brought the huge cutting blade down before her and admired its glint in the dim light. "Somebody always gets hurt,"she said smoothly. "It's just a matter of time." "Now I hate to interrupt," Riddick scowled at the familiar voice issuing from the doorway. "But sneaking out after bedtime is against the rules." "What rules,"Riddick growled ,climbing smoothly to his feet. Still,he refused to face Johns, keeping his eyes intent on the form still lying at his feet.He had been so close dammit! Something was going to have to be done about Johns, and soon. He knew the merc didn't intend on letting him go free. And why collect one payday, when you could have two for twice the price. "The ones I make up as I go,"Johns replied haughtily."Now c'mon kids, back to bed." A thousand scenes played through Riddick's head and he could see that this could go bad fast.'Course that was all a matter of perspective.With a sigh, Nikki kipped lithely to her feet, the knife disappearing like magic from view.A knowing gleam glinted in Riddick's eyes as he watched Nikki saunter past Johns and out the door.Quickly he fell into step behind her, there was no way he was going to give Johns a possible second alone with her.
`Not this one Johns,' He thought smugly to himself. `This one's mine.'
He knew this was a fact that Johns was slowly and reluctantly catching onto, too slowly though.Maybe a slight reminder was in order.Maybe.Sometimes it's best to just wait patiently in the shadows and let fate run it's course.Especially when fate took the form of such a lethal beauty.A lethal beauty that had already shown a grave dislike for the would- be law man.Yes, a sly smile mirrored his lips, he would just sit back for awhile and let this one play itself out.Johns would slip eventually and he would be there to watch him fall. As for Nikki, to quote the doctor, she was quite capable.
The rest of the group was just emerging from their slumber,yawning and stretching and rubbing their eyes against the brightness of the suns.They watched the trio approach with only mild interest. Their thoughts had been alerted to the danger growing on the horizon and that whatever they did,it would hafto be done soon.

End Part 6

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