
10/07/01 : Hello all! I've got the first two "Sunny Day Series" stories up! Check them out here! My fan fic page is always open for submissions as is my poetry page! SEND ME YOUR WORK!! I also am thinking about starting a contest...I'll keep ya all informed!

12/07/01: I've added about 12 stories to the fan fic page, and am working on getting more up ::hint hint nudge nudge *coughsendmeyourstoriescough* :: I'll be out of town for a few days so I wont be updating much. When I get back I'm going hard core on the History page to get it all up!

04/09/01: I haven't been on in a LONG time, so there's not much new stuff on the site. I made an updates page for old updates. And I have the last story in the Sunny Days series, so that'll be up asap- I should have some time this week. Thats all! Newsie love to all!!

12/09/01: Well...I did some updating. I guess just to get my mind off of everything going on. I put up two of my poems, go here. So...ummm...yesterday was pure hell, I go to school in NY and had a horrible day yesterday trying to reach my sister and my cousin. My sister works at the UN office and my cousin works next to the Chrysler building. They're both alright, but tons of people I know have lost loved ones. My hope and love goes out to them...in this time of absolute chaos I ask everyone to remember that peace is the only solution. Remember Martin Luther King Jr.'s words "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Though immpossible as it seems, we must forget about revenge and focus on love, only that will change our world and make this kind of act of hatred dissapear. Love and Peace to all - - Star

20/09/01: Just some quick updates! The first in the Les Mes Series (by me) is up! I Dreamed a Dream , now there are TWO of my stories up! YEA ME! There will be more, as soon as I finish writing them...damn writer's block. Plus I put some stuff up in the history section, so it's not as bare! Go here for that. Also, Lightning and I are starting a Lodging House, so keep an eye out for info on that! Thats all for now! ~Star

16/10/01 : I finally updated the Ani Page!!! HERE

19/10/01 : I added some of my poetry. Go here for that. And I added a few stories, go here for that. AND SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT!!

06/11/01 : I added some stories to the library!! My newly finished Good Enough and Whiskey's Forsaken Promises . Go check them out! And Submit Submit Submit!!

26/11/01 : CHECK OUT ANI'S NEW POEM, INSPIRED BY SEPT 11TH! it's really really good. GO HERE theres also a link through the poetry page.

07/11/01 : ATTENTION ALL! LIGHTNING AND I HAVE STARTED A LODGING HOUSE! It is the Red Hook Brooklyn Lodging House . COME AND JOIN!! We have tons of room. COME JOIN NOW!!

20/12/01 : Major updates. I just kinda remodled stuff. Be sure to check out Ani's poem on the poetry page, and I put up some new stories, here . And be sure to go and apply at me and Lightning's new LH, Red Hook Brooklyn LH .

10/02/02 : I know its been awhile since an update, but I have put up part of my new fic, Superhero.