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My Dogs

Here you will find a few pictures of my own Entlebuchers, Willi (Flash of Tucker, August 19, 1991 - August 17, 2004) and Markus (Bleppo von Franzengarten, July 12, 2001 - November 23, 2010). You may click on any picture on this site to view a larger version. If you have any pictures of Entlebuchers that you would like me to add to this site, please email them to me, and I will post them in the 'Your Dogs' section of this website. Thank you!

A portrait picture of Willi (Flash of Tucker) as seen on my main page.

Willi dressed up with a kitchen towel and sunglasses. (Note the couch on the right. This is Willi's to sleep on.)

We certainly weren't going to let the dog rough it when we went camping.

This is Markus (Bleppo v. Franzengarten), our latest addition to the family. Markus was born July 12, 2001.

Markus and Willi sitting together shortly after Markus' arrival from Switzerland.

Now that both dogs have moved in nice and comfortably, it's time to get another couch!

But then again, maybe one couch is enough...

Markus in a tree

Here's a picture we managed to get of Markus in a tree. We held him there for the picture, so there's no need to worry about any of your Entlebuchers climbing into any difficult situations!

Markus in the cityMarkus closeup

Markus in front of the Calgary skyline in the late afternoon.

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