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Ami's Challenges

Challenge #1
Pick a slash-pair, any slash-pair, take your favorite romance novel (gay or straight) add your own fannish twists and characters, and stir! For those of you who want this in layman's terms: take your favorite slash-pair and put them in the places of the two leading character in your favorite romance novel, adding whatever characters and plot twists from the slash-pairs fandom that you want. I call this the Harlequin challenge.

Challenge #2
This one is for people who don't like the BOTW's (read: babe of the week's). Take your favorite slash pair, (example: Jim and Blair from the Sentinel), have a woman on the show find out (example: Carolyn Plummer, Cassie Wells, Megan Connor, or that Samantha chick) and have them do something dastardly to the guys. Examples: try to kill one of the guys, try to rape one of the guys (but not succeed), kill people close to the guys, family, friends, coworkers, etc., or make up your own crime. I call this the Single White Female challenge.

Challenge #3
Take your favorite slash-pair, add another of your favorite slash-pairs, have them meet and go camping, go out to dinner, rescue someone, kill someone, fight someone, together. Basically, take two different slash-pairs from two different fandoms and have them meet and do something together. I call this the Crossover Togetherness challenge.

Challenge #4
Take your favorite fairytale; add your favorite slash-pair, let sit and serve. Basically, take your favorite fairytale and replace the main characters with your favorite slash-pair. I call this the Fairytale challenge.

Challenge #5
This challenge is to write a story including the following things: the color purple (of any shade, lavender and indigo would work, too), a sunbeam (the actual word, and yes, you can make it plural), the word rainbow (ditto on the last one), and the phrase, whether spoken or written (or signed, or tapped out in Morse Code) 'Making love with you is forever.' Use any two people that you want. I call this the Favorite Things challenge.

Challenge #6
A PWP challenge. Write a hot and steamy story with your two favorite characters.

Must include:
Chocolate body paint
A chenille boa
Strawberry shampoo (you, know, like 'I really like his new shampoo, it makes
his hair smell like strawberries')
A feather pillow(s)

May include:
Fingerless leather gloves
A black mesh t-shirt
A nipple/navel ring, or both

Challenge #7
Take your favorite slash-pair, and have them get a cat, change into a cat, act like a cat, pet a cat, whatever. Include a cat. I call this the Kitty-Cat challenge.

Ami also has Sentinel Plots for Adoption or Foundations
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