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Sentinel Foundations

A friend of mine and I came up with two story challenges They're rather long and detailed, so if you'd rather use them as story foundations, that's okay. Mine is the first one, hers is the second. I must warn you, my friend (and I) have twisted minds, so our challenges are very weird. Plus, they are M-Preg, (and slash, though an M-Preg story without it slash really isn't worth it, in my opinion) so you should put this in as a warning for people who are easily squicked.. All right, here goes:

My challenge:

My idea for a story is for "The Sentinel" with Jim and Blair. It goes like this it's AU, one of those universes where there are lots of Sentinels & Guides. And Sentinel/Guide pairs are matched up according to their genetic profiles. They bond sexually. (I know, this sounds like Saul's story, and reading it gave me this idea, but it's a lot more complex, trust me.)
Jim and Blair have never met before they find out that they are a matched set. When they do meet, things get weird. Blair is from a tribe that is very magical (i.e., mages, sorcerers, elves, fairies, whatever you want to use), but is also very unusual in his tribe. In fact, he is the only one of his kind. What kind, you ask? He is a Changeling/Shapeshifter. Now, let me explain this. You know that Blair's Spirit Guide is the Wolf, so he can change into a wolf whenever he wants. That's the Shapeshifter part.
Jim has been looking for a Guide for so long, because he needs a Shapeshifter Guide, whose DNA matches his. For this story, Blair is 21 (That's the only way this will work, trust me) and Jim is 27 or 28. The Changeling part is where it gets weird. As a Changeling, Blair can become a woman (yes, I know this isn't exactly M-Preg, but since Blair's body would be male on the outside while he's pregnant, up until the time he goes into labor, I still thought I'd warn you).
In Blair's tribe, when a boy (or girl) reaches sexual maturity, there is a ceremony where a Shaman direct them down the path they must follow, the one that will lead to their mate. On Blair's 16th birthday, he turned into a woman for the first time (he had been able to turn into a wolf since birth). The Shaman said that since he was a Changeling, he would only be able to have kids in his female form, so his mate would have to be a man, which, according to his tribe, wasn't taboo. What was weird, is that most Changelings weren't
Shapeshifters, and none were Guides; also, most Changelings were sterile, so this was a big thing, him being able to have kids.
Blair has the idea to have him DNA profiled; you can use whatever reason you want, but his tribe mostly stays away from science, and uses magic instead, so his mother is a bit against it, but goes through with it when he explains his reasons (which can be anything from a vision telling him to do it, or the Shaman saying that it is his path to leave the tribe). When he his profiled, he finds out he is a Guide, so his mate must be a Sentinel. His mother doesn't want him to, but he lists himself as a Guide in the database they have to match up Sentinels and Guides. He also makes a decision on that day (here it, comes another weird part).
Knowing that the Sentinel he matches up with will be his mate for life; he decides to wait to have sex until they meet. This is one of my kinks: virgin Blair. For some reason or other (Naomi taking his name off the list, a downed computer, the database Blair's profile is in not being connected to whatever database has Jim's profile in it, whatever you want to use) Jim and Blair don't meet until his 21st birthday.
Once they do, and Jim's find out all this, (especially about Blair being a virgin), they talk and a few things come out. They are: Jim never having sex with a guy before, and not wanting to just jump into bed with Blair, since their first bonding would have to be with Blair as a woman, because of the Changeling thing.
Now, another one of my kinks are stories with lots and lots and lots of sex in them, so after they bond as man and woman, they have to bond in a lot of other ways. As another one of my kinks is bestiality, when I say a lot, I mean a lot. The pairings are: man and man (both topping), man and wolf (Blair topping), man and panther (Jim topping, because Jim is the panther, remember, I said he was a Shapeshifter as well, and since his Spirit Guide is the Black Jaguar, well, there you go), Jaguar and woman (Jim topping, of course) and wolf and panther (both topping). Then, of course, they have sex again as man and woman, which is when Blair gets pregnant.
No skimping on the sex! How many children, and the circumstances of the birth, and whether or not they are Changelings is up to you (I really don't see a way that they could not be Shapeshifters, with both their parent as them). There are only a few no-no's in this challenge: I am a romantic at heart, and I believe in happily ever after, so -- no rape, castration, slavery, or deaths of Jim, Blair, or their future kids, either in the womb or after birth.

My friend's challenge:

This is not AU, technically, since it starts out in the original Sentinel universe, but what happens after can be considered AU.
Now, Blair has been living with Jim for at least a year, maybe more if you want. Blair is under a curse where he turns into a woman (yeah, I know it reminds you of Gillian Middleton's story, but wait! It is different) every night of the full moon. (See! I told you it would be different). On the night of the new moon, he changes halfway. By halfway I mean that he has female breasts and er.. well, stuff...  you know, reproductive equipment, along with a guys dangly bits, and a prostate. (Also, in his female form, he still has a prostate. He might as well get something of this.)
Now, he's been doing this since he turned 13 (puberty and all) and so he's researched it quite a bit, including the way to end the curse, which, in itself is unique. To break the cruse, he has to have sex with a guy in his female form (on the night of the full moon), and then in his halfway form (on the night of the new moon, but only after he has sex with a guy in his female form.) Also, he has to have sex, first with his female parts, then with his male parts on both nights. (This is where the prostate comes in.) Once he does, he will be able to change at will to any degree he wants.
One of the things he found in his research was an account of the last known male in his family to have this curse, as Blair was the only male born into the family in... let's say... the last 50 years. This guy, when he was about 35, had a lover, who was willing to help him break the curse, only, when they had sex together, they used a condom. It didn't work. So the guy hypothesized that if they wanted to break the curse, they couldn't use a condom, and they tried it that way and it worked. He didn't get pregnant, because he was too old. At this point in Blair's life, he is in his mid-twenties, (remember, he was born in 1969), so he could get pregnant. Now, here's where it gets a little more AU.
My friend and I have similar kinks, so she also likes virgin Blair. When Blair first started changing, he decided to wait, 'cause he didn't know what would happen if he tried to have sex. When he found this guy's journal, and read his account of the whole changing thing, he realized that whoever he found to break the curse would have to be someone he trusted, since it was possible he could get pregnant. (And we all know that Blair has trust issues)
Since he realized that if he got pregnant, he'd want to at least keep in touch with the guy, so the baby would know both of its parents (remember, he doesn't even know who his father is, and it seems to me that he'd want any child of his to know both their parents), he also wanted to fall in love, and maybe have a forever kinda thing with him. (Yes we admit it; my friend and I are both happy-ever-after chicks) Since Jim is basically the only guy he's ever really trusted, he's also the only person he'd tell. (But wait! you're asking. Does Jim know?) And the answer is, not yet.
The way Jim finds out is simple. Ever since Blair started living with him, on the nights of the full and new moon he would arrange to be away for the next twelve hours, either working, or "out on a date". But, there's going to be a stakeout on the night of the full moon, and Jim needs Blair there. He comes home (on the night of the full moon) and tells Blair this. It' s one hour till sundown, and Blair is trying to leave. When Blair tries to obfuscate his way his way out of the stakeout, Jim hears his heart racing, and knows he is lying.
Eventually, Blair decides to tell him all of this. When Jim hears it, and listens to his heartbeat so he knows he isn't lying, he thinks that maybe all that UST (unresolved sexual tension) he's been feeling for Blair might possibly be returned. Blair, of course, wants him to take time to think about it, since Jim has never been with a guy before, plus, he knows its gonna hurt when he loses his virginity, so he's a bit gun-shy, so they decide to wait for at least four weeks until the next whole change, and date in the meantime. When Blair gets pregnant, his appearance won't change; he will basically be a guy with a womb, appearing to gain weight, but still a guy.
What happens after that is your choice, as long as you follow the rules: there is to be no rape, castration, slavery or deaths of Jim, Blair or the baby, either in the womb, or after birth. This is a happy challenge, but you can put as much angst into it as you want, as long as the guys end up together, and all of their friends and family don't end up hating them. You can also make up whatever you want about the babies, including their sex, and whether or not they change.
One more thing: if you decide to use Naomi, she hasn't ended her curse, because when she changes, she becomes a man, and none of the women she slept with would let her not use protection, plus, she never slept with anyone in her halfway form.
(But think of all the fun you can have with this. Can you say ‘Father-daughter dance’ anyone?) ;)

Even thought both of these challenges are in "The Sentinel" fandom, if anyone can find a way to make it work in another fandom, they are welcome to use the idea. If someone decides to write the story, please e-mail me and let me know; my friend and I would like to read it. If you are wondering why neither of us are writing these challenges ourselves, the answer is simple: neither of us can write. We can come up with great plots, but when it comes to dialogue and details (like sex scenes), we suck. Thank you!

Ami (and friend)

Ami also has Sentinel Plot Adoptions and Challenges
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