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~*~Why? How? and FAQ~*~




I want more opinions!Your opinions are the most valuable thing to me and they allow this page to have more then one, my, personality. I am seeking *how* you think one becomes Pagan or Wiccan, what do you think it entails? How do you KNOW if you are truely Pagan? When do you think is a good time to learn? Etc. etc. etc... Please submit your suggestions and ideas, here.

I'm also looking for peoples opinions on *why*. Why did you feel Wicca was right for you? How did you know? How did you learn of it? You can also submit to me these things here.

This page was designed for the purpose of helping beginners learn HOW to go about becoming Pagan, give them a bit of support along with answering a few of their questions. It's different then my experiences page in that it has the beginner strictly in mind, as I know how hard it is to realize "hey, this is for me! But, now what?".

I'm also developing a FAQ page, with only questions that some of you email me. I don't include anything you haven't asked me for, feel free to ask me anything! I am also a teen that still has, and had, many questions and I really liked finding pages that asked questions from other teens, along with answeres, so I thought I'd give you what I'd always enjoyed. My list of questions is short right now, so please email me your questions!

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