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Finger Eleven is:

Scott Anderson

Sean Anderson

Rich Beddoe





James Black

Rick Jackett




 The first time I heard Finger Eleven was on the local radio station in Charlotte, North Carolina. The moment "Quicksand" began I was hooked. After a few days I found out the name of the band and have been following them ever since. Before "Tip" was even available in stores, I was listening to the songs from the website. On September 15, 1998, the album was released in the United States. A few days later (as soon as I had the money) I owned a copy of it. Ever since then it has been one of my most prized possessions.

This Canadian band really pulls at the heart with the lyrics and melodies they display on "Tip". What is cool about the songs is that singer Scott Anderson seems to have written about what was in his heart. He displays this with the emotional lyrics and it is magnified with the help of the music written by guitarist James Black. Along with guitarist Rick Jackett, bassist Sean Anderson, and drummer Rich Beddoe (he replaced former drummer Rob Gommerman). Finger Eleven's original style is portrayed through their powerful songs. If you haven't seen them live then get to it. That is a treat for anyone who witnesses their amazing performing style. The band really gets into the music and that energy travels throughout the audience. Not only are they amazing performers but they are incredibly nice guys. That characteristic just makes the music ten times better. Everyday I listen to my Finger Eleven cd at least 3 or 4 times a day and everyday it is like hearing it for the first time. If anyone has never heard "Tip" then run out and get the cd. You won't regret it!!J

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