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Here are some of my favorite f11 quotes. Just a fun little pageJ

 Regarding the name:

"When we thought about changing the name, [Scott] was actually doing a vocal take. We were like 'stop, stop! Do you know what you just sang?' 'What, finger eleven?' At that moment, we knew it was our new name." Rick Jackett on how the name, finger eleven, came about

 "When everything is pushing you in one direction and your instinct drives you in another--that's finger eleven." Scott Anderson on the meaning of the name finger eleven

Regarding the music:

"We really like to make use of tempo shifts. And we love to put a lot of parts into songs, but the bottom line is always the music. We're not trying to split the atom. We just want to write good songs." James Black on writing the music

"When it comes to writing, I like to deal with a lot of questions that are sort of raging within me. I try to figure out what's going on inside my head and confront that. When the songs were being written, I kept trying to figure out my relationships and asked myself, 'What do I want? Do I want you in or out of my life?' That's a recurring theme, and I try to let it come out as naturally as possible." Scott Anderson on writing the lyrics

Regarding the band:

"Jay and I have known each other from junior high. I met Sean through my family, he's my brother. We met Rick in high school and our original drummer in high school as well. And then about a year and a half ago we met our new drummer, Richie Beddoe," Scott Anderson on how they met

Regarding the fans:

"Getting on the road to support this album has been very exciting. I think at first a lot of the fans don't know who we are, but by the time we leave the stage we can sense that they've really gotten behind us. We like to form a bond with the fans-a way for us to communicate our feelings directly to them. When we're able to do that, we know it's been a good show." James Black on the fans at the shows

Regarding the "Above" video:

"I get on a kick where I draw stuff in a certain theme, and I was doing a lot of stuff like these guys when we saw the video proposal. I just went and drew some more, and now we've got awesome props to take on the road when we finish here." James Black on the "creatures" that appear in the "Above" video and onstage with them during shows.

"We looked at a treatment for the video, then Jay drew these wicked little guys and showed them to everyone." Rich Beddoe on the "creatures"

"It took like 3 days to shoot and we went through editing about 6 different times to finally get it down," James Black on the production of the "Above" video


More quotes will come as I get all the stuff together. check back if you care at all!J

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