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2002 Events

Cantorion y Morfa - The Morfa Singers




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  • Monday 4th January 2002 New Year evening meal at Plas Morfa, Llanon.

    Thursday 21st March - 8pm: Llanafan We were the entertainment at the W.I. annual meeting.

    Sat. 4 May - Bont Eisteddfod.

    Friday 31 May Llanon Jubilee Celebrations. We sang in the first and second parts of this well attended and jolly event. Margarie Wheeler sang 2 solos. In the interval Anne helped to judge the children's fancy dress competition. The refreshments were left until the end of all the entertainments. There were 2 enormous Jubilee cakes.

    Christmas 2002

    Friday 6th December. Carols on the Village Green, Llanrhystud.

    Saturday 7th December. Carols in the Llanrhystud Hall for a W.I. event.


Con brio


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To contact us:


Music Director: Anne Sampson RAWales, LRAm, ATCL
Tel: 01974 202503

Web Officer: Pam Milner