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  • Monday 18th December Evening Carols on the Village Green, Llanrhystud. There was a good turn out, probably helped by the dry, non too windy weather, albeit cold. Steve Briggs made sterling service on his accordion, and everyone joined in with some of the carols. It was our first performance of the "Cowboy Carol", and Anne got out her Stetson and cap guns for the occasion. It was a fun, seasonal event with lanterns, bobble hats and head torches, and a collection was made in support of the local church hall. See the photo!
  • Thursday 21st December  Lunchtime Carols in the foyer of Safeway, Aberystwyth. We sang as part of an all day charity event to help raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Society. The music reverberated throughout the foyer, and as far as the breakfast cereals in the store and the cash machines outside. Steve accompanied us on the keyboard. We performed "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" among other traditional carols. The programme included lovely solos by contralto, Jane McManus (Hosanna Mwy), and soprano, Marjorie Wheeler (O Holy Night). See the photo!
  • Friday 22nd December  We sang at the Glan-Y-Mor Residential Home, Llanon. The audience were appreciative and joined in with some of the songs. Again, we heard moving performances by soloists Marjorie and Jane. Also, the new Morfa Bar-Lambs Quartet performed "Shepherd, shepherd where have you lost your sheep?". Unfortunately, Anna was unable to make it, so Anne heroically stepped in to sing the third part. We look forward to more from this quartet in future.


Con brio


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Current Music Director &
Web Officer: Pamela Milner