In establishing and maintaining Virtually Vince I have made every effort not to step on anyone's toes in regards to copyright and the legal stuff. Whenever photographs or images that are not my own have been used on this site I have made every effort to credit them to the appropriate sources. The only exception is where I have used clip art from websites that don't specify that images have to be acknowledged and are free for the use of all website owners. If you own any images used on my site and don't feel the way I have handled it is good enough I can be e-mailed at the address below and they will be removed. I would like to stress however that this site is nothing more than an expression of my admiration for Vincent Leigh of Invertigo. I am not affiliated with him, Invertigo, Standard Records, The Festival/Mushroom group or Atlantic Records in any way. I'm not doing this for profit or any personal gain other than the satisfaction of being able to produce a website to promote the good work that Vince and the rest of Invertigo do - |