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Picture Copyright to Drumscene Magazine Picture Copyright to invertigo.com.au (RNRB) Picture Copyright to invertigo.com.au (RNRB) Picture Copyright to invertigo.com.au (RNRB)Picture Copyright to Drumscene Magazine

Vince Leigh has been in the music industry for years now and has been in bands ranging from electronic a/pop/rock, Pseudo Echo in the 80's, Vertigo in the 90's and now the group taking over the charts INVERTIGO! Since the release of the chart topping single 'Desensitized' by Invertigo things again seem to be looking up for Vince and his other three talented band mates. So here I am launching a web site dedicated to one of the most amazing drummer/songwriters of Australian rock - a look at his life and what he has contributed to Australian music...introducing Vincent Leigh!

19/06/02 - Invertigo were nominated for an APRA Award for 'Say You Do', unfortunately they didn't win, but below are pics from the event. Vince is on the cover of the last months issue of Drumscene Magazine as the featured drummer! Go HERE to read it!! Invertigo are writing/recording a new album at the moment - new single due out 2002! :)                      




Picture Courtesy of apra.com.au


Picture Courtesy of apra.com.au




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