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10 things the Webbie is ashamed
to admit to, but that she admits
to anyway for the greater good
of the world:


Robbie Williams
Britney Spears
Pop Idol
Big Brother
Britney Spears
Kylie Minogue
Sleepless in Seattle
Britney Spears
Bruce Willis

(Britney Spears)

Genres that drive the Webbie
nuts and that make her violent:


Piano Blues
Heavy Metal
Thrash Metal
Death Metal
Annoyingly long loud guitar solos (anything over 15 secs)
Gothic Metal
Speed Metal
All things Metal period.

Books to check out:


Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov)
100 Years of Solitude (G. G. Márquez)
The Stand (Stephen King)
The Book of Daniel (E.L. Doctorow)
Madness and Civilization (Michel Foucault)
American Tabloid (James Ellroy)
The Big Nowhere (James Ellroy)
The Demon-Haunted World (Carl Sagan)
Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)
Lost in the Fun House (story – John Barth)
Where I'm Calling From (stories - Raymond Carver)

Favorite TV-shows (at the moment,
and in no particular order):


X-Files (the classic ones: Season 1-6, and some eps of 7)

Twin Peaks

The Sopranos

The West Wing

Buffy (S1-3 and 5)

Gilmore Girls

Terug naar Oosterdonk (Flemish series! The best ever made. A bizarre mix of Flemishness and Twin Peaks freakiness)

(And: looking forward to seeing 24 (despite my irrational disliking of Kiefer Sutherland)...whether it's really as good as "they" say...1st season still has to air over here, can you believe it, and I -- TV-junkie extra-ordinaire *missed* it completely when it was on the BBC! -- anyways, it should start over here really soon).





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