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Other stuff and nonsense:


Reviews and other writings that don't seem to fit in the Music Review section:

Note: the photo's on this page were not taken by us. Copyrights will be indicated! The pictures you will find next to the live reviews, however, are ours. If you want to use them, please contact us!


Live Reviews:





Coming soon


Miscellaneous Ramblings:


A section no one will ever read...



Disclaimer: All reviews and other written material on the entire site are copyright ©2002-2003 of Guy Peters. Webdesign and other techie stuff is copyright ©2002-2003 of Els De Clercq. Nothing on this site can be used without explicit permission (which can easily be obtained by asking us). Don't steal our stuff! Photo's and/or images are copyright of the respective bands and/or their label/music reps, unless otherwise stated. All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. No infringment was intended. This is still a fansite!