
You are, my fire, the one desire, believe when I say I want it that way, but we are two worlds apart. Can't reach to your heart. When you say, that I want it that way, tell me why. Ain't nothing but a heartache, tell me why, ain't nothing but a mistake. Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way. Am I your fire, your one desire, cos I know, its too late, but I want it that way, tell me why, ain't nothing but a heartache, tell me why, Ain't nothing but a mistake, tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way. Now I can see that we're falling apart from the way that it use to be, yeah... No matter the distance, I want you to know. That deep down inside of Me... You are my fire my one desire believe when I say. I want it that way, Ain't nothing but a heartache, tell me why, ain't nothing but a mistake, tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way. Tell me why... ohhh tell me why....... I never wanna hear you say. I want it that way. Cos I want it that way....

Here would be the cutie Jessica!!! My first encounter with Jessica was at the Spice Girls Competition at the Trade and Convention center like a year and a half ago!!! Her group placed first, and ours placed fourth I do believe!! She played the same girl I did (scary!!) And now she's one of MY team-mates on the SJHS Varsity cheerleading squad, and boy is she a good cheerleader ^_^ I talk to her like ALL the time on ICQ, and she's so easy to get along with it's like i've known her for years hehehe! She's an amazing dancer, being in it since she was little, and she's just soooo nice and sweet I cant get over it!!! She's like one of my FAV rookies (I know I'm being mean choosing favorites but oh well!) I don't know TERRIBLY much about her, just that she's 14, going into grade 9, but hopefully I will get to know this chicky better and write some more soon! :) Bye!!!

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