My Bio
My Bio

I feel like I've been locked up tight for a century of lonely nights, waiting for someone, to release me. You thicken your lips and blow kisses my way, but that don't mean I'm going to give it away. Baby baby baby....Ohhh, my body's saying lets go, ohhhh... but my heart is saying no. If you want to be with me, baby there's a price to pay, I'm a Genie In A Bottle, you gotta rub me the right way, if you wanna be with me, I can make your wish come true. You gotta make a big impression, I gotta like what you do. I'm a Genie In A Bottle baby, gotta rub me the right way honey, I'm a Genie In A Bottle baby, come, come, come on and let me out. The music's playing and lights are down low, just one more reason that we're good to go. Waiting for someone, who needs me. Hormones racing at the speed of light, but that don't mean it's gotta be tonight, baby baby baby... Ohh, my body's saying lets go, ohhh, but my heart is saying no. If you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay, I'm a Genie in A Bottle. You gotta rub me the right way, if you wanna be with me I can make your wish come true. Just come and set me free baby, and I'll be with you. I'm a Genie in a Bottle baby, gotta rub me the right way honey, I'm a Genie in a bottle baby, come come on and let me out. I'm a Genie in a bottle baby, gotta rub me the right way honey, I'm a Genie in a bottle baby, come come come on and let me out. Ohhhhh, my body's saying lets go... ohhhh but my heart is saying no. If you wanna be with me, baby theres a price to pay, I'm a Genie In a Bottle, you gotta rub me the right way. If you wanna be with me, I can make your wish come true, you gotta make a big impression, I gotta like what you do. I'm a Genie in a Bottle baby, come come come on and let me out.......

Well, there's not terribly much that makes me...well... ME but hopefully you'll find it interesting enough to read the whole thing through. My life has been, well urgh... uh, complicated never the less, but filled with amusement at the same time. First off, I'm adopted. Yup, lil Ol Michi is adopted! My Birth Mother actually named me Eisha. But my parents decided to change it to crap ass *Michelle* I was born in Toronto Ontario on July 17th 1984. I lived there for 3 years before moving to Montreal Quebec for another 3 years, and again moving to Windsor Ontario for a year and a half, and finally being placed here... In Saint John New Brunswick, where in the truth I can actually say is my home. I go to the wonderful and KICK ASS Saint John High School, and I love it! I'm in tenth grade and *gasp* In the I.B. Program, and YES I do have a life!!! At school, I'm co-captain of the Varsity Cheerleading squad and it's my life and my obsession! I love cheerleading :) What else do I love to do? Well I love writing. Whether it's poetry, stories, letters, songs ANYTHING!!! ^_^ I love taking pictures as well, I'm camera-happy even though I'm not terribly photogenic *egh... urgh* For Fun, I love hanging out with my friends, going to movies and renting them (I'm a movie-aholic) And basically just doing whatever. (wasting time IS one of my pass times) *grins* What else.... OH YESSS.... I speak french! J'etait dans l'immersion depuis la maternelle and even though I'm not the GREATEST when it comes to speaking it, I understand it perfectly. I love cats! :) What else What else.. hmmm, I work at My best friend's dad's office, filing charts (Yippeeeee!) Personality wise? Well uh... I dont like just sitting here typing all the wonderful things that makes me me (kidding) But I guess you could say I'm a two-sided person. One side is EXTREMELY sensitive, shy, soft-spoken and pretty quiet and loyal. The other side sometimes won't shut up (hehehe can ya tell?) And I'm pretty damn zany as many of my friends put it. I laugh at anything, and I love it! ^_^ I can be super out-going at times, but shy at others. So that's me, personality wise basically. Anything else ya wanna know? If there is scroll down and read my quizzy thingy! ^_^ Buh Bye!

Full Name: Michelle Marie Meera Kawatra
Michi, Mich K, Michelly, Lily, Chicky, Cutie Pie
Birth Date: July 17 1984 :)
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Hometown: As in where I was born? Toronto Ontario,
C a n a d a ^_^
Blackish brownish,
Eyes: Naturally they are
brown but I've got green and gray contacts!
Do you wear glasses?: When I don't where my contacts. But I hate my glasses cos they're ugly
Height: 5'2
Location: The beautiful and luxirious, (Okay Okay, it's utterly
cramped and retartedly boring) Saint John New Brunswick C a n a d a
Bacon Bits or Croutons: Yuck to both!!!
Favorite Pop: Ummm.... I like Fruitopia does that count? I like root beer!
Current School:
Pets: A Cute cat named
Sunshine Supercat (we call her Kitty) And a half golden lab, half golden retriever dog named Sebatien!
Favorite Sport:
Cheerleading (YES it is a sport, and if you disagree take on me and the rest of the S J H S Cheerleaders thank you!
Hobbies : Cheerleading, singing, writing, friends and music!
Favorite type of music: Everything but like country and folk!
Favorite Colour: Probably
Favorite Day: Saturday or Friday!
Favorite Month: July & May
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: Australia would be cool, or someplace in B.C
Favorite place to hang out:
Susies house, uptown, and when I wanna relax or have time to myself this little place by the water
Fav Car : Bugs are soooooo cute :)
If you could dye your hair colour what would it be?: Bright
red with blue and green highlites (joke)
Do you like hockey Hell yeah!
What is your fav hockey team : Toronto
Do you have a bf/gf : No *sniff*
Do you drink : Ummmm, next question!
Do you do drugs : No, that shit is bad!
If you did what was it?: I've tried pot.
Best Girl Friend:
Poosie, Kat & Erin
Best Guy Friend: Kiran, Ryan and Damian
Best Email Friend: Ashli!
1st Crush: This guy named Alex in the second grade when I lived in Windsor Ontario
What colour is your swimsuit?: I have a few. One is
green though with all these trippy swirlies
Do you wear make -up : Yes, I'm guilty as charged!!
Do you prefer long hair or short : For me? Medium length, on guys, short.
Boxers or Briefs : Best of both worlds.... Boxer-briefs. Why does it matter, I dont wear'em!!!
Describe yourself (looks wise): I gots
hair, two eyes, a nose, two ears, and I'm pretty sure, two legs ONE mouth and two arms! :)
Describe your personality: Ummm, I dunno. I'm hyper often or very senstive and soft-spoken. I've got two sides to me!
Worst situation: Lets not go there!
Ever been in love?: I'd have to say No
What do you think is more important, MIND or SOUL?: Definetly
soul, your mind can only give you so much. Your soul is what makes you, you. It gives you, your answer.
What do you sleep in?: Usually like a tank top and shorts, or an over size t-shirt and boxer shorts. Shit like that.
What do you think of chain letters?: Some are fun and cute others are god damn annoying!!
Do you have a personal phone line?: Yeah I wish!!!
Do you have a pool or a hot tub?: Ummm no.....

What words do you use too much?: dandy, sweet damnit, bloody hell.*LOL*
Coolest experience in your entire life: Winning
Provincials is up at the top I'd say *grins* And being named co-captain!
Scariest thing you have ever done: I'm really not sure. I'll get back to ya on that!
Are you a virgin?: yes
Most prized possession: My
Cat! :)
Do you like your parents ?: At times yes, other times ugh....
Do you have any brothers or sisters?: a brother
Do you want kids : yep, not many though
If you could change your name, what would it be ?: Something uncommon, like
Lily, or Calista or Rayne.
Did you ever eat paint chips as a child ?: no
Who is the hottest guy/girl in the world ?: Ohhhh the Backstreet Boys are just sooo dreamy *gag* Ummm, Brad Pitt is a major babe, and so is Spike from Buffy! *grins*
*blink blink*
Fav Actor and Actress: Drew Barrymore, Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor
Who are you crushing on ?: Hehehe... Lets not go there!!!
Favorite song: Lets see, I like "Angels Fall" "She's so High" "The Freshman" "Genie In a Bottle" "Winter"
Favorite candy:Berries, licorice, skittles stuff like that!
Favorite Movie: The Crow, Ever After, Ten Things I hate about you
Favorite Flower Rose and
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookie Dough!
Favorite animal: Cat!
Favorite CD: Ummm... I dunno!!!
Favorite Show: Friends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawsons Creek and Party of Five That 70's Show
Favorite Cartoon:
Pokemon, Sailor Moon & South Park
Best part of your body: Eyes and smile
Favorite part of the opposite sex: eyes and abs AND smile :)
What do you want in the opposite sex: Someone honest, someone that can make me laugh and I can have fun with. Someone I feel comfortable with and someone who is sweet and caring and trustworthy.
Do you believe in God : Yes I do
What is your religion :
Anglican I think.

  And remember you can always e-mail me at-

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