
You're a real tough cookie with a long history, of breaking little hearts like the one in me... But that's ok, lets see how you do it, so put up your dukes and lets get down to it... Hit me with your best shot, come on and hit me with your best shot, hit me with your best shot, and fire away!!!!

CHEERLEADING it's like my life, so I thought I'd add a section about the sport on my page since it is like my life and my obsession *laughing*

I guess I should talk to you about my squad first of all, because I LOVE my squad! They are the best!!! There was last years squad (the 1998-1999 squad) and my new squad (the 1999-2000 one) Last year, our team won for the second time Cheer 2 Win, and we placed first in Cheer Division at Provincials, and Second in the Dance division, and we came first over-all at Provincials and we won! (yay) And at the St.Stephen competition we placed Second!. Our quad did VERY well, placing first at Cheer 2 Win as well! :) We rule!!! ^_^

This year, our team consists of 24 squad members. Technically we have 16 new members, but almost all of them have cheered before in middle schools, and other schools.

if for one second you think cheerleading is just wearing a cute little skirt and jumping up and down, screaming like an idiot, and flirting with the football players, you've got something else coming for ya!!! *lol* For one thing, we have 3 male cheerleaders on our team, and one happens to be the quarterback of the football team! :)

We do a lot more then just cheer the boys basket-ball team, and the football team. We stunt, which is my favourite part about cheerleading. For all you newbies who don't know a thing about cheerleading, stunting is when we toss girls up in the air and they do all kinds of crazed stuff. Last year, we did stuff like scorpion twists, heelstretch pyramids, and roll-downs!!! :) We also dance, as you can imagin! Yes we get into the middle of the gym floor, or on stage and we shake our booty!!! *grins* I love dancing!! :) We have a bunch of funky dances and it's cool, all the little sound effects!!! :P

In the summer, around the middle of July, our team attends to NCA (National Cheerleading Association) Cheerleading camps. The camp we go to is at Husson College, in Bangor Maine. Since last year was my first year ever cheering (I joined in October of ninth grade) a few weeks ago, was my first time going to camp. It's about 3-4 days long, and A LOT of hard work!! It's like 10 hours of cheerleading per day in the hot sun!! So when you go to bed all night you're all relaxed, and then you wake up with every part of your body hurting!! And then you have to go out and do it all over again!!! Never the less, I loved camp, and I look forward to going next year. We get to watch the Pros do there stuff, and you just sit there in like awe!! So camp kicks A**! :)

Up above are only 3 out of 11 jumps we do. The first one is a right side hurdler. It's actually my favorite jump cos, I dunno it looks cool! ^_^ The next one is a spread eagle. Basically that jump is like an X in the air. Then the last jump up there is a front hurdler, which are cool, but I'm not good at doing them :P The other jumps are tuck, double hook, herkie, left side herdler, left front herdler, right side double nine, left side double nine, the famous toe touch and pike.

Last we got, and as you can tell by the cute little stick man, it's tumbling. Not very many of us actually do tumble, but I'm hoping to learn this year. Myself, I can do a back walk-over but that's about it!

Well! That just about wraps up this section! Hopefully I'll have some more cute lil animated pictures soon! If you would like to check out some pictures of me and my team-mates from last year (1998-1999 team) From competition Click Here

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