
The strands in your eyes, that color them wonderful, stop me and steal my breath. And emeralds from mountains that thrust towards the sky, never revealing their depth. And tell me that we belong together, dress it up with the trappings of love, I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips instead of the gallows of heartache that hangs from above... And I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be loves suicide and I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life....And rain falls, angry on the tin roof, as we lie awake in my bed. And you're my survival, you're my living proof. My love is alive and not dead. And tell me that we belong together, dress it up with the trappings of love, I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above. and I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be loves suicide. And I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life... Well I droped out, I'm burnt out, I'm on my way back from the dead I've tuned in, I've turned on, remember the pain that you, said..... and I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be loves suicide... And I'll be, better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life.... The greatest fan of your life......

Welcome to the section where you can read poetry that I have written, as well as a couple of poems that my friends have written. I'd love to hear your feedback on these poems, and I know some of them are pretty depressing, but with me, I can write better when I'm sad, sooo just warning ya here, so ya won't leave with a edgy feeling!! *lol* So e-mail me, or leave a guestbook entry on what you like or dislike about the poetry by my friends and I. Hope you enjoy :)

My Poems

Hold On
Lies to Me
Serenic Departure
So Called What Not
Envied Love
Last Dance (NEW)
Concluded Love
Inside Me
Lil Slut
Lonely Longing
Midnight Special
Too Much
Broken End
Lost Times
For You (NEW)

My Friends Poems

Wounded by Erin Crosley
Morning Air by Jesse McKee
Untitled by Ranma and Remy
If Jesus Came by Susan Willis
Josslyn Matthews Poetry

That's all for now! I'll add more when I have some more spare time! Sorry about the inconvinience, I just want to get the WHOLE Page done before school starts so I'm pressed for time!! Sowwy!!!!

JUST one more reminder that these are all copywrited to the writer/writers so if you steal them I'll break your neck :) Thank you!

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E-mail Me Damnit!!!