
Now if I give you me, this is how it's got to be First of all I won't take your cheating on me Tell me who can I trust if I can't trust in you And I refuse to let you play me for a fool You said that we could possibly spend eternity See, that's what you told me, that's what you said But if you want me you'll have to be fulfilling all my dreams If you really want me baby If you had my love and I gave you all my trust would you comfort meTell me baby And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue would you lie to me And call me baby You say you want my love and you got to have it all But first there are some things you need to know If you wanna live with all I have to give I need to feel true love or it's got to end, yeah I don't want you tryin' to get with me and I end up unhappy I don't need the hurt and I don't need the pain So before I do give myself to you I have to know the truth If I spend my life with you If you had my love and I gave you all my trust would you comfort meTell me baby And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue would you lie to me And call me baby If you had my love and I gave you all my trust would you comfort meTell me baby And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue would you lie to me And call me baby

Here we go with Kathleen! She has to be the most HYPER-active person I know! And I love her for it! Even though she denys it, shes a cutie :P Her little giggle, her smile when something cheers her up, and her excited fun, and amusing personality can always brighten up my day when I am down! If you cant tell, she's the BLONDE Out of the group *grins* Some might also call her a bit of a tomboy, but to me it's like YEAH RIGHT! She talks about guys 24/7 and girl stuff all the time, so maybe thats why I can't see it :) She's probably the most atheletic out of the four of us. She is an amazing soccer player, as well as a champ in volley-ball, badminton and basket-ball. She's trying out for rugby I do believe this year too. Sooooo she's going to have her hands filled with sports (as usual!!!) She;s the kind of person people love being around. She's very popular, but the exact opposite of anything superficial and fake. She's herself, and doesn't have to act or dress differently to impress anyone. She's happy with who she is, and I admire her confidence and her determination in everything ^_^ She's the kind of person that won't take crap for anyone, a real toughy! She's strong inside and out, and tries not to let little things bother her. She's fierce though, stubbern but incredibly loyal and helpful. She comes from a big family. She now lives with her two parents, her little sister, and her older brother. But she also has two amazingly awesome older sisters who are like the IDEAL older sister!! She has a cute cat named Creamy too ^_^ Kathleen was also a native Saint John, Maritimer chick! She's lived here all her life. She's the oldest out of us, born February 16, which makes her an aquarius. So that wraps up Kathleen for now! :)

Click here for pictures of Kathleen

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