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Newsletter Vol. I
JULY 2001

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"When we look back, we do not remember the years, but the moments in our lives. We all have moments worth remembering and if worth remembering, then worth sharing, so as to nourish, inspire and give praise to the Almighty God".

~Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD~

The Best Advice

The best advice in confession came from an old (but not deaf!) priest to whom I made a general confession before my ordination. I poured out my heart and my soul, and this priest just listened. Finally, when he spoke up, he only told me this: "My son, just remember, there is no sinner without a future, and there is no saint without a past..." It was the shortest and the best advice I ever received in confession.


God really knows how to remind. One morning, the sun was getting hot, and I was getting really tired. Two hours had passed but my companions and I still had to walk for another one and a half hours before we reached Manaog Shrine for the Mass in one of our pilgrimages on foot. I was really about to give up and just ride the rest of the way to the shrine when I saw a piece of paper, lying on the road, with the word "PACENCIA" written on it. With a smile, I picked up the piece of paper. It was a wrapper carrying the brand name of a biscuit! Through the wrapper, the Lord reminded me to be patient a little bit more. It was a beautiful and creative way of getting His message across.


"Affirmation Works"

When I was in Grade 4 at Sta. Catalina College, I had a religion teacher who never failed to compliment and affirm me. She would say in class, "Jerry, you are a good boy. Maybe you will become a priest someday." She kept repeating her encouraging remarks whenever I would do good in oral or written examinations. The positive remarks of my teacher really made me feel good about myself and made me try to be better. The teacher made me believe in my goodness. She made me believe in myself. Affirmation really works.

*courtesy : Moments
(a book written by Fr. Orbos)

"An Everyday Survival Kit"

Rubber band
Band aid
Chewing gum
Candy Kiss
Tea Bag

Here's why:

1. Toothpick - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others...Matt 7:1

2. Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out...Romans 8:28

3. Band Aid - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's...Col. 3:12-14

4.Pencil - To remind you to list your blessings everyday...Eph 1:3

5.Eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay...Gen. 50:15-21

6.Chewing gum - to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything ...Phil 4:13

7.Mint - to remind you that you are worth a mint to your heavenly father...John 3:16-17

8.Candy Kiss - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday...1 John 4:7

9.Tea Bag - to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of God's blessings...1 Thess 5:18

This is my gift to you. May God richly bless you. To the world, you may just be somebody...but to somebody, you may just be the world.



Salamat po sa inyong pagdalaw dito.

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