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JULY 2001

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Welcome to "Patnubay at Gabay!   This page will provide parents some resources and tips for better parenting.  I'm open to suggestions, so if you want me to add some other items related to parenting, please let me know.   I also accept contributions from our members, so just send them  to me so I can include it in our next issue. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. I hope that you'll  learn something from this page. ENJOY!!! ~Rose~          

"Parents- the best role models"


The role of the parent begins the day the child is born. According to society, Parenthood puts several obligation of the child's welfare on the biological parents. If the child is not staying with his biological parents, the role is shifted to the social parents who adopt the child. 

  Parents are first role model for the children. Hence,  the first social norms and rules that the child learns is from his/her parents. The major responsibility of the parent is to make the child a good and responsible adult. The lessons that the child learns from his/her parents are easily impressed on the young mind. Hence, the parents have to be careful in the upbringing of their progenies.

From time immemorial  parents have played a major role in caring for children. Every child is dependent on his/her parents till he is well in his/her adulthood. Parents have to look after the emotional as well physical upbringing of the child. And here lies the biggest challenge.

Parents may not be the most perfect human beings in this world, but in the eyes of the child,  they are extraordinary. And the parents have an obligation to live up to the expectations of their children. In this section, we will help you to deal with some of the problems an adult may face when he becomes a parent. 

"The Myths of Parenthood"

Young minds are extremely curious to know the world around them. This is the time when the parents can impart right values in their children thereby helping them to become responsible individuals. And for this parents need to keep in mind a few important points which will enable them to be good role models.

  • Parenting comes naturally
    Well, it is neither easy nor difficult to fit in the role of parents. Usually, the first timers take some time to adjust to their role as parents. Hence, they have to depend on their elders or nannies for guidance. Still others depend on books for guidance.

  • Mothers have special instincts for child care
    Any person spending most of the time with the child tends to know and understand the needs of the child better. And in our society it is taken for granted that the mother is solely responsible to look after the child.

  • Child should always be given top priority
    Parents in their pursuit to show love pamper their child accepting even their unreasonable demands. What most of the parents forget is that they have to teach their children to be considerate, sharing and caring. Circumstances will eventually teach children to be worldly wise. 

  • Fathers do not have any role to play in raising a child
    Fathers role is as important as the mothers in bringing up their
    children. They definitely need to spend quality time with their children. It could be anything like spending time together, playing, studying, etc. A healthy father-child relationship contributes a lot towards developing the child's personality. 

  • Parents who have had a disturbed childhood turn out to be bad parents.
    Though, this may be true in some cases, this need not be the same with everyone. Parents should take care and ensure that their childhood is not reflected on their children. Parents, who do face problems may seek professional help. 

  • Perfect way of bringing up a child 
    No two individuals can be the same. They do differ in many ways. Therefore, parents have to bear in mind that their children have an individuality of their own. Rather than comparing them with others, parents should focus on enhancing the positive traits and talents in their children. 

  • 'I know it all' - Syndrome
    No amount of reading books or guidance from elders can help anyone become perfect parents. In fact there is nothing like perfect parenting. Parenting is a process where you learn while bringing up your child. 

  • The child is too small to understand
    Children are eager to learn new things everyday. They try to grasp whatever is being taught to them. So what matters most is the quality of  interaction with the child. Parents however must ensure that they do not underestimate or overestimate the maturity level of their child. 

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*DISCLAIMER: Articles that were contributed are from member's own collections which they got from internet, magazines and books, and some articles were written by the members. If you have any questions or comments send it to *

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