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Robyn and Haleh


Delta Lambda Lambda


The second day in Cancizzle.

Woke up after a drunken night feeling surprisingly well.  We-op row b robo fat tuesdays.jpg (160041 bytes)-all-ev robo fat tues beach.jpg (221952 bytes)-decided to hit up Fat-fat tuesdays wristband.jpg (38427 bytes)-Tuesdays->op peeps fat tues.jpg (260639 bytes), why you may ask.  Well there was free drinking there and a-smyth row hal robo beach.jpg (266805 bytes) op peeps beach.jpg (250026 bytes)<--beach so why not.  Where there is free-op peeps fat tuesdays.jpg (228356 bytes)-drinking there is a lot of people, by people I mean girls-hal fat tuesdays.jpg (183940 bytes)-girls-random bitches dancing.jpg (191016 bytes)-girls-random butts.jpg (224848 bytes)-girls.  Moreover, drunken girls-->random peeps fat tuesdays.jpg (188755 bytes)doing things like this.  These-robo hal fat tuesdays.jpg (216745 bytes)-two we met the at the airport and they just seemed to go everywhere we went.  Fat Tuesdays had some cool contests like this.->fat tuesdays suck contest.jpg (261661 bytes)By around 4 in the afternoon lots of drinking made people pass out, itis at 4, what a sissy.-->hal guy-assed out beach.jpg (206269 bytes)  I wish I had a video camera like these two cause you know drunk girls do basically anything to get on film, good call guys.-->random guys camera.jpg (176338 bytes)  Now we're sitting on the beach and this guy-->guy dancing beach.jpg (177863 bytes) was stumbling around the beach absolutely destroyed.  Some of us, Haleh-the beach.jpg (142930 bytes)-Robyn, got a ride on the Banana Boat.  After Fat Tuesdays we returned to the hotel and than went to our restaurant-->op robus smyth restaurant.jpg (201630 bytes) to drink some beer-op guys restaurant chillin.jpg (196787 bytes)-and eat some food.  After food we-smyth pete tequila shots.jpg (154788 bytes)-took Tequila-op ev tequila shots.jpg (173075 bytes)-shots as a unit, ohh yeahh.-->op ev row tequila shots.jpg (183239 bytes)  After dinner we went back to the hotel-->hal robo hotel.jpg (162173 bytes) to change and than party time.  On the nights agenda-->pat obriens.jpg (275177 bytes) Pat O'brien's.  Massive amounts of drinking-byrd feebz beer.jpg (160946 bytes)-and dancing-op hal elisa dancing obriens.jpg (176324 bytes)-and other things.-->irish girls obriens.jpg (263969 bytes)  The Irish-irish bitches obriens.jpg (236333 bytes)-girls were there on stage giving out sticker, Urge definitely got one->rj sticker girl.jpg (150950 bytes).  Gotta love spring break-obrians contest.jpg (188202 bytes)-contests, this one was the sexiest-obrians thong.jpg (173229 bytes)-tattoo-obrians contest 2.jpg (172515 bytes)-and we got to see-obrians sexy tat.jpg (190739 bytes)-a lot more than tats.-->obrians titties.jpg (163063 bytes)   There was also the ugliest man-smyth ugliest man contest.jpg (318719 bytes)-contest, which Smyth had to enter.  Oh Feebz, this girl was not high quality-feebz fat girl.jpg (233572 bytes)-and neither is she.-->feebz fat girl ev fat girl.jpg (268935 bytes)  Beer goggles much?peeps obriens2.jpg (212850 bytes)<-There is the muke all the way on the left.  A lot of dancing-mike elisa pete obriens.jpg (259695 bytes)-happened all week and you know that when we dance-op people obriens.jpg (184847 bytes)-we-peeps obriens.jpg (204791 bytes)-dance-hal robo dancing.jpg (186085 bytes)-on the-->op hal ev pete dancing.jpg (189513 bytes) stage.elisa girl obriens.jpg (181477 bytes)<-Now what did Elisa do to get allll those beeds, huh?????ev b random girls obriens.jpg (174073 bytes)<-These two girls were beasting at Fat Tuesdays, I was a fan.  hal robo ru peeps.jpg (204557 bytes)<-Sergio, Brian, and their buddy from Rutgers that we met in Cancun, small world isn't.  op peeps obrian.jpg (200536 bytes) <-Friends-op hal robo elisa mike pete obriens.jpg (197556 bytes)-bugging-hal robo pete mike elisa beer.jpg (220235 bytes)-out that's what it's all about.-->op peeps obriens.jpg (211982 bytes)robo guy.jpg (175820 bytes)<-Who are youuuu?  byrd hana.jpg (144449 bytes)<-Now now, Hana, she's a story of her own.  However all I'm going to say is.....ride that cho cho, uhh uhhh and come on on the train cho cho ride it.  Some of us didn't make it home that night, instead they pulled a little Mission Impossible.->smyth rj bitches.jpg (214238 bytes)  Was it worth it in the morning?->smyth stairs.jpg (194046 bytes)       

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