Quick background
Reasons for Opposing Faith-based Schools
Answers to arguments for faith-based schools
Legal background
Numbers of schools, teachers and pupils
Quotations from experts and interested parties
Government policy
Extracts from the Church of England's recent report
Who we are
Useful links


Quotations from experts & interested parties

This index covers the six pages of quotations and selected quotes from elsewhere on the site.

NB: Quotations more recent than mid-2003 may be found on the British Humanist Association website.

On educational and human rights aspects

On the social divisiveness of faith schools

On pupil selection and performance

Quotes from MPs and members of the House of Lords

Polls and Public Opinion

Leading articles



Organisations etc.

Advisory Centre for Education
Amnesty International UK
Association of Teachers & Lecturers (2)
Bradford Council
Campaign for Advancement of State Education (2)  (3)
Commission for Racial Equality
Catholic Education Service for England and Wales (2)
Church of England Board of Education (2) (3)
Humanist Philosophers' Group
Local Government Association
Muslim Schools Association (2)
National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education
National Association of Governors and Managers
National Association of Head Teachers
National Association of Schoolmasters / Union of Women Teachers
(2)  (3)
National Council of Women
National Union of Teachers
 (2) (3)
Office for Standards in Education
Save the Children
Secondary Heads Association
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sikh Divine Fellowship
Transport & General Workers Union
Unitarian Church
World Conference on Religion and Peace

Letters in the press

Correspondents in The Guardian (2)
Correspondents in The Independent

Correspondent in the Times Education Supplement (2)
Correspondent in The Times


Cantle report
Civitas report on underperforming faith schools 
Dearing report
Ouseley report  (2)
Statistical Directorate of National Assembly for Wales (2)
Cardiff University School of Social Sciences
          (Stephen Gorard & Chris Taylor) 
(2) (3)
Sheffield Hallam University research

Schools, teachers & pupils

David Bowes, headteacher
Lynn Gadd, headteacher
Ibrahim Lawson, headteacher
Francoise Leake, headteacher
Bushra Nasir, headteacher
Marion Parsons
, headteacher
Peter Shepherd, headteacher
Unnamed C of E school head

Copthall comprehensive girls' school, north London
Crompton House C of E, Oldham
Hasmonean High Schools
Holy Cross school
Islamia School, Kilburn  (2)

Islamia School, Nottingham
Moorhead High, Accrington
The Ridings
St Christopher's C of E, Accrington

Pupils in Bradford
Pupils in Save the Children survey

C of E School Governor

Human Rights

Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN)
Human Rights Act 1998

Members of Parliament (House of Commons)

Graham Allen MP
Tony Blair MP (2)
David Blunkett MP
Menzies Campbell MP  (2)
David Chaytor MP
Michael Clapham MP
Frank Dobson MP
Paul Flynn MP
Peter Hain MP
Dr Ashok Kumar MP (2)
Neil Gerrard MP
Alice Mahon MP
Julie Morgan MP
Estelle Morris MP (2)
Colin Pickthall MP
Dr Jenny Tonge MP
Phil Willis MP (2) (3)
Tony Wright MP

Select Committee on Education and Skills

See also extracts from Parliamentary debates


Other People:

Michael Nazir Ali, Bishop of Rochester
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Lord Alli

Lord Avebury
Professor George Barnard
Richard Bentley
Professor Colin Blakemore
Sir Hermann Bondi
Alan Brownjohn
Sir Bernard Burrows GCMG
Ted Cantle

Graham Cox
Dr Helena Cronin
Keith Davidson
Professor Richard Dawkins (2) (3) (4)
Lord Dormand of Easington
Maureen Duffy
John Dunford
Rabbi Mordechai Fachler
Professor Sir Raymond Firth
Baroness Flather
John Fowles
Prof. Stephen Gorard
Sir Francis Graham-Smith FRS
A C Grayling
Canon John Hall (2)
Dr David Harper
The Rt Rev. Richard Harries (2)
Lord and Lady Harrison
Lord (Roy) Hattersley  (2)
Dr James Hemming
Ibrahim Hewitt  (2)
Audrey Hinde
Professor Robert Hinde CBE FRS
Revd. David Holloway
Bob Holman
Darcus Howe
Lord Hughes of Woodside
Yussef Islam
Simon Jenkins
Harry Judge
Dr A. Majid Katme
Sir Ludovic Kennedy
Rev Paul King
Glenys Kinnock MEP
Professor Sir Harold Kroto
Ganesh Lal
Graham Lane
Steven Layfield
Sir Michael Levey
Ralph Levinson
Dr John Marks (2)
Nigel McQuoid
Jonathan Meades
Hugh Miller
Lord Monkswell
Bill Morris
Jonathan Newman
Professor Richard Norman
Eamonn O'Kane
Lord Ouseley (2)
Julia Pascal
Liz Pavor
Lord Peston
Terry Pratchett
Naman Prewal
Professor Richard Pring (2)
Claire Rayner OBE
Jonathan Romain
Professor Steven Rose
Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS
Jonathan Sacks
Dr Sandie Schagen
Professor Amartya Sen
Dr Tony Sewell
Prof Niall Shanks
Sir Lou Sherman OBE
Harminder Singh
Gurbux Singh
Sir David Smith FRS

Professor John Maynard Smith FRS
Matthew F Smith
Peter Smith
Simon Staniforth
Oona Stannard (2)
Professor James Tooley
Polly Toynbee
Margaret Tulloch
Baroness Turner of Camden
Llaura Underkuffler
Dr Peter Vardy
Sir Peter Vardy (2)
David Ward
Professor Anne West
Gary Wiecek
Peter Wilby
Paul Yeulett
Christopher Young


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Updated 6 June 2003