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Past Topics

Last updated Mar. 24th 1999

  • Dawson's Creek Protest!
    The Studio where DC is filmed
    was picketed by some locals.
    Views expressed in this article are
    not necissarily the views of whackos.

  • "Be Careful What You Wish For" Script Selection
    Brought to you by Glass.
    The only place on the entire web to find
    this hunk of the script to "Be Careful What
    You Wish For". Check out the happenings at
    Dawson's none-too-happy birthday party!
    *Warning!* This is the mother of all spoilers,
    Noone else will tell you the diologue, events, and
    how the entire scenes play out but DCNN!

  • Strange goings on..
    Check out this account of mistakes,
    fumbles, and strange goings on by
    an actual DC extra!

  • Warning! Slight Spoilage
    By milhows.
    Not so much spoilers as teasers, read
    up on the happenings that lead up to
    Dawson's Happy Birthday Bash!

  • Sex, She Wrote! Feb. 15th 1999
    Check out this original DC scriptlet.
    Compare this to the episode as it finally aired, and
    see all the changes they made before the final version!
    This was a major cause of frustration for many
    'spoiler' sites when the script was edited before production.

  • Goggington's Creek. Feb. 14th 1999
    Doubting Thomases and Curious Georges, here's a pic
    of the ever present, unrelenting, and all together
    ooky Master of Spoons in his most recent DC appearance.

  • Jack McPhee's poem, in it's full form. Feb. 13th 1999
    By now, we all know about Jack's poem. Problem is, he
    stopped to bawl his eyes out before he finished! This
    is your chance to check out the poem in it's entirity.
    This is a DCNN exclusive. You saw it here first!