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CTC Wheel of the Year Celebrations 2001

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These are the descriptions of the Wheel of the Year celebrations at CTC in 2001.

Imbolc: Spreading the Flame! Feburary 1.

Facilitated by Lance A. Brown. This Ritual will be held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

As Imbolc approaches we begin to see the days grow longer again and our thoughts turn towards the end of winter and the work of the coming year. It is a time of beginnings, initiations, and plan-making for the days and seasons ahead of us. More so, this Imbolc will be the first CTC ritual of the new millenium. What a time to be alive! Please join us as we celebrate this time of beginnings!

We will invoke the presence of Brigid and Pan within our circle by sharing Brigid's Flame among us. Please contact Lance Brown if you possess the Flame and would like to share it with our community.

We will ask Brigid and Pan's blessing upon the candles and other tools we use in our lives. Please bring any candles and/or tools you wish to be blessed! We will also have an opportunity to ask a boon of the Gods. Brigid and Pan will hear our requests, be they great or small, public or private.

Finally, those who have accepted Challenges during past CTC Imbolc rituals may speak of their accomplishments and those wishing to accept new Challenges will do so. This is an opportunity to announce new beginnings, or continuation of old tasks, and ask for the help and support of our whole community and the Gods in your endeavors. Please contact Lance Brown if you wish to acknowlege a past Challenge or accept a new one.

Spring Equinox: March 18

Facilitated by Shawn.

This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. Join us at CTC as we celebrate the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara. This is a time when light balances with darkness. This is a time when perspectives can shift and we begin to see differently. Join us as we celebrate the Goddess as Maiden and the God as soon to be Lover. New beginnings, rebirth, as the flowers bloom and the grasses grow, we are reminded of renewal, harmony and balance. Celebrate the symphony of life at CTC's Ostara ritual.

Beltaine: April 29

Facilitated by Ursa Madre. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill.

This year, using the works of Unitarian Walt Whitman, we delight in the marvelous abilities of our physical forms and "Sing the Body Electric." We will celebrate those aspects of our bodies that we are happiest with, weaving our abundance and delight into the Maypole. Then, we will leap the fires to bring forth the potent magick to fulfill our wishes and desires for our body. This ritual is appropriate for people of all ages.

Midsummer: Sunday, June 17, 2001.

This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. We will create an extemporaneous ritual on the spot! Bring a quarter call, an invocation to the Lord or Lady, a working or energy raising that you want to share. Whatever we create, it will be eclectic!

Lammas; Sunday, July 29, 2001.

Facilitated by Cynthia. This Ritual will be held at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, with a feast to follow..

Mabon; Sunday, September 23, 2001.

Facilitated by Lance Brown. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. Mabon, the Fall Equinox, is one of the balance point when Day equals Night. We cross over from Summer into Fall as the days continue to grow shorter and Winter's darkness grows near.

We will again walk the edge between the seasons, between Light and Dark, looking at what we have accomplished during the past growing season, what harvest our Summer's labor brings us, and what we need to leave behind as we prepare for the coming Winter. We will hear the story of Branwen, one of the great Goddesses of Avalon, and her brother Bran, bearer of the Cauldron of Plenty. After, we will honor them by making harvest dolls and celebrating the season with a spiral dance and drumming!

There will be feasting after the ritual. Please bring food/drink to share!

Samhain: Sunday, October 28, 2001.

Facilitated by Dick Merritt. This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill. This is Celebrate the Circle's eleventh consecutive Samhain celebration. It marks the completion of our tenth year. We intend to make a big deal of it. Come and help us celebrate.

Yule - Winter Solstice

This Ritual will be held at Kumasi Hill.
