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Here is my ever-growing collection of some of the best clean marriage and family jokes that I've come across. To the best of my knowledge these are just jokes and not based on actual facts; so please do not be offended if you have fallen victim to any similar circumstances. At any rate, feel free to send me any jokes that you may have, and I'll post them here as well.

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Three Wishes
Isn't This True?
Poisoned Mushrooms
Would You Remarry?
Sporting Goods Store
Birthday Shopping
Mmmmm... Cookies
Last Fight
Perfect Golf Shot
Baked Beans
Waiting Room
Chief of Cheaps
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Waiting Room

     Four expectant fathers were in the hospital waiting room, while their wives were in labor. The nurse comes in and tells the first man, "Congratulations! You're the father of twins!" "What a coincidence!" the man exclaims. "I work for the Twin Star Enterprise!"

     The nurse returns a short while later and tells the second man, "You are the father of triplets!" "Wow, what a coincidence!" he replies. "I work for the 3M Corporation!"

     When the nurse comes again, she tells the third man that his wife has given birth to quadruplets. "Another coincidence! I work for the Four Seasons Hotel!"

     At this point, the fourth guy faints. When he comes to, the others ask, "What's wrong?"

     "What's wrong?! I work for Seven-Up!"

Chief of Cheaps

     After being away on business, Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift. "How about some perfume?" he asked the cosmetics clerk. She showed him a bottle costing $50.00.

     "That's a bit much," said Tim, so she returned with a smaller bottle for $30.00. "That's still quite a bit," Tim complained.

     Growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny $15.00 bottle. "What I mean," said Tim, "is I'd like to see something really cheap."

     The clerk handed him a mirror.

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